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H.C.R. 11
8 General Description:
9 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor reaffirms their support
10 of the government of Taiwan and urges the Obama Administration to support Taiwan's
11 meaningful participation in United Nations specialized agencies, programs, and
12 conventions.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . reaffirms the Legislature's and Governor's support of Taiwan and urges the Obama
16 Administration to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in United Nations
17 specialized agencies, programs, and conventions; and
18 . expresses support for a strong and deepening relationship between Utah and
19 Taiwan.
20 Special Clauses:
21 None
23 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
24 WHEREAS, July 23, 2010, will mark the 30th anniversary of a sister state relationship
25 between Utah and Taiwan;
26 WHEREAS, for the past 30 years, four sister county and sister city relationships with
27 Taiwan have also been strengthened, resulting in better mutual understanding of the economic,
28 social, and cultural heritages of Utah and Taiwan;
29 WHEREAS, in 2008, Taiwan was Utah's third largest export market;
30 WHEREAS, Utah exports to Taiwan have reached $727,000,000, an increase of over
31 244% since 2007;
32 WHEREAS, Utah companies still have substantial opportunities to expand their
33 businesses and cooperation with Taiwan;
34 WHEREAS, Utah has already attracted investment from several Taiwanese companies,
35 and there is significant potential for Taiwanese enterprises to further boost investment and
36 create jobs in Utah;
37 WHEREAS, in May 2009, the World Health Organization invited Taiwan to attend the
38 62nd World Health Assembly as an observer;
39 WHEREAS, this development raises the possibility for Taiwan to be meaningfully
40 involved in other United Nations specialized agencies, programs, and conventions;
41 WHEREAS, Taiwan is a key air transport hub in the Asia-Pacific region, with
42 approximately 2,600 weekly flights to and from neighboring countries;
43 WHEREAS, the Taipei Flight Information Region under Taiwan's jurisdiction currently
44 serves 12 international and four domestic routes and has 1,350,000 controlled flights passing
45 through every year;
46 WHEREAS, the 2008 statistics from Airports Council International ranked Taiwan's
47 Taoyuan International Airport as the world's 11th largest airport by international cargo volume,
48 and 19th in terms of international passengers services; and
49 WHEREAS, given Taiwan's prominent role in regional air control and transport
50 services, it would be beneficial for Taiwan to have meaningful participation in the International
51 Civil Aviation Organization, in order to safeguard the traveling of passengers from home and
52 abroad:
53 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
54 Governor concurring therein, reaffirm their support of Taiwan and urge the Obama
55 Administration to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in United Nations specialized
56 agencies, programs, and conventions.
57 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor express support
58 for a strong and deepening relationship between Utah and Taiwan.
59 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the President of
60 the United States and to the government of Taiwan.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-10-10 8:02 AM