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Education Interim Committee


TO:        Education Interim Committee

FROM:    James L. Wilson, Associate General Counsel

DATE:    June 4, 1998

SUBJECT:    June 17, 1998 Meeting

Senator David H. Steele and Representative Lloyd Frandsen have scheduled a meeting of the Education Interim Committee as follows:

            DATE:     Wednesday, June 17, 1998
TIME:     2:00 p.m.
PLACE:     Room 303 State Capitol

An agenda is included. If you are unable to attend, please call me or Wendy Bangerter at 538- 1032.


Sen. David H. Steele, Senate Chair

Rep. Lloyd Frandsen, House Chair

Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard
Sen. Scott N. Howell
Sen. Joseph L. Hull
Sen. Howard C. Nielson
Sen. Howard A. Stephenson
Rep. Sheryl L. Allen

Rep. Ron Bigelow
Rep. Duane Bourdeaux
Rep. Judy Ann Buffmire
Rep. David L. Hogue
Rep. Susan J. Koehn
Rep. Keele Johnson

Rep. Patricia B. Larson
Rep. Evan L. Olsen
Rep. Tammy J. Rowan
Rep. Richard M. Siddoway
Rep. A. Lamont Tyler
Rep. Bill Wright



Wednesday, June 17, 1998 - 2:00 p.m. - Room 303 State Capitol Building

1.     Call to Order -

    a.     Approval of May 20, 1998 minutes
    b.     Committee Business
        - Details on July Interim Meeting at Southern Utah University in Cedar City
        - Review of Lease/Purchase of Utah State Developmental Center Land by UVSC

2.     Educational Technology Intiative for Higher Education

    Discussion on needed direction that might be given to the State Board of Regents and Higher Education appropriations subcommittee related to H.B. 174, passed during the 1998 General Session. (Carry over from May meeting)

3.     Western Governors' University

    Discussion on the impact of the implementation of the Western Governors' University on the state's system of higher education and its current master planning effort.

4.     School Fees Study

    Response to motion passed in the May meeting related to the elimination of textbook fees in secondary public schools - proposal for legislation

5.     Music Therapy

    Follow up on the presentation made to the committee during the last interim on the effectiveness of music therapy in the public schools.

6.     School Finance Study

    Discussion on the priorities established by the School Finance Task Force as a result of its statewide survey. Finance issues that can be debated during the 1999 General Session will be identified as well as long-term issues.

7.     Charter School Update

    Progress report on the implementation of H.B. 145 - Schools for the 21st Century.

8.     Adjournment

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