Michael E. Christensen


John L. Fellows

General Counsel

Utah State Capitol Complex

House Building, Suite W210

PO Box 145210

Salt Lake City, Utah


Phone (801) 538-1032

Fax (801) 538-1712



Notice of Meeting

Political Subdivisions

Interim Committee

The committee chairs have scheduled the following meeting:

                     DATE:           Wednesday, June 18, 2008

                     TIME:            2:00 p.m.

                     PLACE:        Room W020, House Building

If committee members would like to be excused from the meeting, they may call Joseph Wade or Wendy Bangerter at 538-1032.


Sen. Dennis E. Stowell, Senate Chair

Rep. Fred R Hunsaker, House Chair

Sen. Fred J. Fife

Sen. Sheldon L. Killpack

Sen. Michael G. Waddoups

Rep. Sheryl L. Allen

Rep. Tim M. Cosgrove

Rep. Bradley M. Daw

Rep. Gage Froerer

Rep. Kerry W. Gibson

Rep. Richard A. Greenwood

Rep. Christopher N. Herrod

Rep. Christine A. Johnson

Rep. Brad King

Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig

Rep. R. Curt Webb

Rep. Carl Wimmer



Mr. Joseph Wade, Policy Analyst

Mr. Robert H. Rees, Associate General Counsel

Ms. Wendy L. Bangerter, Legislative Secretary



Prepared June 6, 2008