Education Interim Committee

Utah Legislature

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 • 2:00 p.m. • Room 30 House Building


                 1.   Committee Business

                                Call to order

                               Approval of minutes of the June 20, 2012 meeting


                2.   Flexibility Waiver

Utah is among the 32 states granted a flexibility waiver to replace the federal accountability system created under No Child Left Behind with its own state accountability system. Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, schools will be evaluated based on a new state accountability system, and school performance reports will be issued this fall showing each school’s results under the new state accountability system. Committee members will receive a briefing on the flexibility waiver and the new state accountability system.


                               Dr. Larry Shumway, State Superintendent; and Dr. Judy Park, Associate Superintendent, Utah State Office of Education


                3.   Utah Data Alliance and the State Longitudinal Data System             

As a collaborative, multi-organizational partnership, the Utah Data Alliance seeks to enhance the quality of educational research and analysis in Utah regarding policies, practices, and programs by utilizing an integrated statewide longitudinal data system of individual, de-identified information. The Utah Data Alliance provides policy and decision makers research findings with the goal of improving education and workforce policy and practice. Committee members will receive a briefing on the Utah Data Alliance and the state longitudinal data system.


                               Dr. Larry Shumway, State Superintendent; Dr. Judy Park, Associate Superintendent, Utah State Office of Education; and John Brandt, Information Technology Director, Utah State Office of Education


                4.   Report on Utah’s Core Standards and Participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

Dr. Shumway will report on a process for the State Board of Education to receive and consider proposed changes to Utah’s core standards for English language arts and mathematics. He will also report on State Board of Education action regarding Utah’s participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment consortium.


                               Dr. Larry Shumway, State Superintendent


                5.   Common Core

Dr. Stotsky, a member of the National Validation Committee for the Common Core State Standards Initiative, will testify on the common core standards. Mr. Robert Scott, Commission of Education of Texas, a state that has not adopted the common core, will express his concerns with the common core.

                                  Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Department of Education Reform, University of Arkansas

                                  Robert Scott, Commissioner of Education of Texas


                  6.    Other Items/Adjourn