Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee


                                   The committee chairs have scheduled the following meeting:


                                       DATE:       Friday, February 7, 2014

                                       TIME:       2:00 p.m.

                                       PLACE:    Room 30, House Building




Sen. Allen M. Christensen, Chair

Rep. Ronda Rudd Menlove, Chair

Rep. Daniel McCay, House Vice Chair



                   Sen. Deidre M. Henderson                                    Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck

                   Sen. Peter C. Knudson                                          Rep. Tim M. Cosgrove

                   Sen. Wayne L. Niederhauser, President                Rep. Brad L. Dee

                   Sen. Luz Robles                                                    Rep. Paul Ray

                   Sen. Brian E. Shiozawa                                        Rep. Edward H. Redd

                   Sen. Evan J. Vickers                                             Rep. Marc K. Roberts

                   Sen. Todd Weiler                                                  Rep. Earl D. Tanner


                   Staff: Russell T. Frandsen, Fiscal Analyst            Stephen C. Jardine, Fiscal Analyst


Please be aware that the public portions of this meeting will be broadcast live over the Internet. Also, be aware that an audio recording of the public portions of this meeting, along with any materials presented or distributed in the public portions of this meeting, will be posted on the Legislature’s website. Witnesses with questions or concerns should contact staff.


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for this meeting should call the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel at 801-538-1032 or use Relay Utah (toll free in-state 7-1-1 or Spanish-language 888-346-3162), giving them at least 48 hours notice or the best notice practicable. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for aids and services for effective communication during the annual General Session. However, please note that given the unpredictable and fast-paced nature of the legislative process, it is essential that you notify us of an accommodation request as soon as possible. Failure to do so in some circumstances may result in the Utah Legislature’s inability to accommodate the request.



Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee

February 7, 2014 – P.M.


Please note: The chairs have asked, for those who will present requests for funding, that you provide to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst at least one day prior to your presentation a detailed and itemized budget indicating how you will spend the money, if funded, within the specified timeframe. Further, you should indicate how you will measure success. If you do not have a detailed and itemized budget indicating how you will spend the money within the specified timeframe and performance measures, you will be asked to come back if and when you have a detailed and specific budget plan.

























Unfinished Items from the Previous Agenda


Request for Appropriation (Rep. Menlove) – Telehealth Services in Medicaid


Request for Appropriation (Rep. Cosgrove) – Workforce Financial Assistance Loan Repayment


Request for Appropriation (Rep. Cosgrove) – Primary Care Grants


Fees in the Department of Health - Issue Brief




SUCCESS Examples and Progress - Department of Health





SUCCESS Examples and Progress - Department of Human Services





SUCCESS Examples and Progress - Department of Workforce Services





SUCCESS Examples and Progress - Utah State Office of Rehabilitation