Health and Human Services Interim Committee

Utah Legislature

Wednesday, June 18, 2014 • 2:00 p.m. • Room 20 House Building





   Time Frame


2:00         1.      Committee Business

      Call to order

      Approval of the minutes of the May 21, 2014, meeting



2:05         2.      Regulation of Electronic Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products

At its May 21, 2014, meeting, the committee directed its staff to draft comments on its behalf in response to recently proposed federal regulations that would “deem” certain products to be within the scope of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory authority under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (2009). “Products that would be 'deemed' to be subject to FDA regulation are those that meet the statutory definition of a tobacco product, including currently unregulated marketed products, such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), cigars, pipe tobacco, nicotine gels, waterpipe (or hookah) tobacco, and dissolvables not already under the FDA’s authority. The FDA currently regulates cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, and smokeless tobacco.” The committee will review and determine whether to approve the draft comments.


      Rep. Paul Ray



2:20         3.      Prescription Drug Abuse Controlled Substance Database

The committee will be briefed on the state’s study and potential implementation of real-time reporting to and access of the state’s controlled substance database.


      Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

      Utah Food Industry Association and Utah Retail Merchants Association

      Utah Pharmacy Association



2:50         4.      Drug and Alcohol Abuse Recovery Residences

The committee will be briefed on the study to be conducted this interim by the Utah Substance Abuse Advisory Council’s Recovery Residences and Substance Abuse Treatment Committee. The results of the study will be reported to the interim committee later this year.


      Rep. Michael S. Kennedy

      Utah Substance Abuse Advisory Council



3:00         5.      Disclosure of Net Pharmaceutical Costs in Medicaid

The committee will consider whether health care providers who prescribe pharmaceuticals to Medicaid enrollees should be informed of the actual or comparative net cost to the state of pharmaceuticals they prescribe and whether any reductions in Medicaid pharmaceutical spending attributable to use of this information should be earmarked for the Medicaid program.


      Rep. Edward H. Redd

      Utah Department of Health



3:40         6.      Children’s Hearing Aid Pilot Program Sunset Review

Utah Code Section 26-10-11, Children’s Hearing Aid Pilot Program, is scheduled for repeal July 1, 2015. The committee will review the statute’s purpose and implementation and determine whether the statute should be reauthorized for up to 10 years, with or without amendment, or should be allowed to expire.


      Committee staff

      Rep. Rebecca P. Edwards

      Utah Department of Health



4:00         7.           Adjourn