Health Reform Task Force

Utah Legislature


Thursday, September 18, 2014 • 9:00 a.m. • Room 30 House Building




Time Frame


9:00         1.      Task Force Business

      Call to order

      Approval of the minutes of the August 28, 2014, meeting


9:05         2.      Insurance and the Criminal Justice System

The task force will explore the relationship between health insurance enrollment and participation in the criminal justice system.


     Mr. Patrick Fleming, Salt Lake County Behavioral Health Services

     Other invited presenters

     Task force discussion/action


10:05      3.      Medicaid Expansion Update on Healthy Utah Plan

The task force will be updated on Governor Gary R. Herbert’s negotiations of his Healthy Utah Plan with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


       Utah Department of Health

       Task force discussion/action

10:30      4.      Addressing the “Coverage Gap”

The task force will consider options for helping individuals below the poverty level obtain health care.


       Utah Department of Health

       Task force discussion/action

11:30      5.      Health Insurance Plan Rates 2015

The task force will be briefed on premiums for 2015 group plans sold in Avenue H, the state’s small employer health insurance exchange, and premiums for 2015 nongroup health insurance plans sold in the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace.


     Utah Insurance Department

     Task force discussion/action


11:55      6.      Federal Regulations Update

The task force will be briefed on recent regulations affecting the implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act.


     Ms. Cathy Dupont, Associate General Counsel

     Task force discussion/action


12:10      7.      Adjourn