Wednesday, December 3, 2014 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. • Room 450 State Capitol




      Time Frame


      8:30 a.m.       1.  Commission Business


·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the October 29, 2014, meeting



       8:35 a.m.        2.  Report on Public Lands Transfer Study and Economic Analysis

The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office is required to submit a final report on a study and economic analysis evaluating the ramifications and impacts of the transfer of public lands from federal ownership to state ownership. Representatives of the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office and the Attorney General’s Office will provide an overview of the study and members of the research team that conducted the study will review the findings.  


·         John Harja, Senior Policy Analyst, Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office

·         Tony Rampton, Assistant Attorney General, Public Lands Section Chief, Office of the Attorney General

·         Kathy Davis, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General

·         Jan Stambro, Senior Research Economist, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah

·         Paul Jakus, Professor, Utah State University

·         Therese Grijalva, Professor, Weber State University

·         Commission discussion and possible action



      10:50 a.m.   3.  Work Plan for Commission

At its October meeting, the commission reviewed a proposed work plan for the commission that identifies study items and potential presenters who could inform the discussion on each study item. Commission members will continue to discuss and provide input on the draft work plan.


·         Commission discussion and possible action



      11:10 a.m.   4.  Litigation Workgroup Update



      11:30 a.m.   5.  Other Items/Adjourn