Friday, February 27, 2015 – 1:00 p.m. – Room 30 House Building


Members Present:

Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson, Senate Chair

Rep. Brad R. Wilson, House Chair

Sen. Karen Mayne

Sen. Evan J. Vickers

Rep. Francis D. Gibson

Rep. Eric K. Hutchings

Rep. Mark A. Wheatley

Director Rollin Cook

Director Ron Gordon
Staff Present:

Mr. Brian J. Bean, Policy Analyst

Mr. Bryant R. Howe, Assistant Director

Mr. Robert H. Rees, Associate General Counsel

Ms. Sara J. Thomas, Legislative Secretary


Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.


1.   Committee Business


Chair Wilson called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.


MOTION: Sen. Stevenson moved to approve the minutes of the December 22, 2014, meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Gibson and Rep. Hutchings absent for the vote.


Chair Wilson provided an overview of what would be discussed in the meeting. He reiterated the purpose of the commission to move the prison facilities currently located in Draper, Utah. He pointed out inadequacies in the Draper facilities and highlighted possible economic growth that would result if the Draper location were redeveloped. He discussed how new facilities, coupled with the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, would help rehabilitate offenders, reduce recidivism, control future prison costs, save taxpayer money, increase public safety, and benefit the state.


2.   Features of Modern Correctional Facilities


Mr. Brad Sassatelli, MGT of America, Inc., presented "Modern Correctional Facility Design." He reviewed the progression of correctional facility design over the last two centuries. He detailed how modern prison design will make the new facility more secure, more efficient, and more effective than the Draper prison. He responded to questions from the commission.


3.   Summary Overview of Additional Potential Sites for a Relocated Correctional Facility and Future Evaluation Steps


Mr. Robert Nardi, Senior Vice President, Louis Berger Group, presented "Correctional Facility Siting – Status" to the commission. He outlined project requirements considered in site selection, including facility size, proximity to workforce and volunteers, water supply, wastewater treatment, power transmission, natural gas and telecommunications systems, and accessibility. He added that the consultant site screening team is cognizant of land use conflicts and projected population growth. Mr. Nardi recapped the process used to screen 26 original sites and an additional 32 sites since the December 3, 2014, commission meeting. He recommended that the commission approve the following sites for in-depth technical evaluation:



·         I-80/7200 West ­– Expanded (Salt Lake County)

·         Cedar Valley South (Utah County)

·         SR 138 Industrial Park (Toole County)


Mr. Nardi detailed the status of evaluations on the original three highly ranked sites and recommended next steps for each of the five sites recommended for further consideration, listed here:


·         I-80/7200 West – Expanded (Salt Lake County)

·         SR 112/Depot Boundary Road (Tooele County)

·         Lake Mountains West (Utah County)

·         Cedar Valley South (Utah County)

·         SR 138 Industrial Park (Toole County)


Mr. Nardi responded to questions from the commission. He addressed concerns regarding proximity of the new sites to population centers.


The commission discussed the process moving forward.


MOTION: Sen. Stevenson moved that the Cedar Valley South site in Utah county and the SR 138 Industrial Park site in Tooele county be submitted for in-depth technical evaluation, and that the I-80/7200 West site, already approved for in-depth technical evaluation, be expanded to include the adjacent property to the west, and that the results of these evaluations, and those on the properties already approved for evaluation, be reported to the commission at a date to be determined by the chairs. The motion passed unanimously.


4.     Review and Approval of Report to the Legislature and Governor


Mr. Howe summarized “Draft Report of the Prison Relocation Commission,” which was distributed prior to the meeting. He explained that the report fulfills the statutory requirement that the commission provide a report to the Legislature and the governor. He recommended that the report be updated to include the final sites that the commission added for consideration.


MOTION: Sen. Stevenson moved that the commission approve the report to the governor and Legislature, subject to the modification to include a list of the five proposed sites for a relocated correctional facility that have been approved by the commission for further evaluation. The motion passed unanimously.


Chair Wilson noted that MGT of America will conduct technical evaluations of the sites and report back to the commission at a future meeting. He emphasized that relocating the prison will benefit the state as a whole as well as individuals in the state.


5.   Other Items / Adjourn


MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


Chair Wilson adjourned the meeting at 1:56 p.m.