Health Reform Task Force

Utah Legislature


Thursday, July 16, 2015 • 1:00 p.m. • Room 210 Senate Building, State Capitol Complex







Time Frame


1:00         1.      Task Force Business

      Call to order

      Approval of the minutes of the May 28, 2015, meeting



                 2.      King v. Burwell

The task force will be briefed on the United States Supreme Court's June 25, 2015, decision in King v. Burwell, a case which challenged the availability of subsidies in federal health insurance exchanges.



                 3.      Update on Coverage Gap Negotiations

In 2015 H.C.R. 12, "Concurrent Resolution on Healthcare," the Legislature and the governor expressed their commitment to continue working with each other and the federal government to find a way to address the lack of adequate access to health care by those falling within the "coverage gap" created by the federal Affordable Care Act. The task force will be updated on those efforts.



                 4.      Health Insurance Premiums in 2016

The task force will be updated on the premiums to be charged for 2016 health insurance plans available in Utah's health insurance exchanges.



                 5.      Health Insurance Coverage for Court-Ordered Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

                          The task force will hear from insurance carriers regarding their coverage of court-ordered treatment for mental health services or substance abuse services.



                 6.      Federal Rulemaking for Medicaid and CHIP

The task force will be briefed on policy changes included in recently proposed federal rules affecting Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program managed care organizations.



3:00         7.      Adjourn