Infrastructure and General Government

Appropriations Subcommittee



                                    DATE:     Thursday, July 30, 2015

                                    TIME:      8:30 a.m.

                                    PLACE:   Room 445, Capitol Building






Sen. Wayne A. Harper, Chair

Rep. Gage Froerer, Chair

Rep. Craig Hall, House Vice Chair


                  Sen. J. Stuart Adams                                      Rep. Jacob L. Anderegg

                  Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard                                     Rep. Brad King

                  Sen. David P. Hinkins                                    Rep. John Knotwell

                  Sen. Peter C. Knudson                                   Rep. Justin J. Miller

                  Sen. Karen Mayne                                          Rep. Douglas V. Sagers

                  Sen. Kevin T. Van Tassell                               Rep. Scott D. Sandall

                                                                                          Rep. Mike Schultz

                                                                                          Rep. R. Curt Webb


Staff:         Angela Oh, Economist/Statistician                 Brian Wikle, Fiscal Analyst



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Infrastructure and General Government

Appropriations Subcommittee



July 30, 2015


1.      Call to Order

2.      Current Assets: Efficient Use of State Buildings, Current Replacement Value, etc.


3.      Full Cost of Building Ownership: Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Capital Improvement Funding


4.      State Building Board Process: Evaluate Proposed Changes and Outside Funding Intent Language


5.      Recess and Lunch Pick Up (for Subcommittee Members)


6.      Working Lunch and Capital Improvements and Deferred Maintenance: Status of State and Non-state Funded Buildings


7.      Long-term Debt Models: Project Debt Levels and Debt Service

8.      Other Business