Executive Offices and Criminal Justice

Appropriations Subcommittee


The committee chairs have scheduled the following meeting:


                                    DATE:      Tuesday, September 22, 2015

                                    TIME:       8:00 a.m.

                                    PLACE:    POST Academy Building, POST Council Room, Room 379

                                                      410 West 9800 South

                                                      Sandy, Utah  84070





Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher, Chair

Rep. Eric K. Hutchings, Chair

Rep. Keven J. Stratton, House Vice Chair


            Sen. Curtis S. Bramble                                           Rep. Rich Cunningham

            Sen. Jani Iwamoto                                                 Rep. Sophia DiCaro

            Sen. Scott K. Jenkins                                             Rep. Brian S. King

            Sen. Ralph Okerlund                                             Rep. Merrill Nelson

                                                                                          Rep. Curtis Oda

                                                                                          Rep. Angela Romero

                                                                                          Rep. V. Lowery Snow


Staff:   Gary R. Syphus, Fiscal Analyst                             Clare Tobin Lence, Fiscal Analyst



Please be aware that the public portions of this meeting will be broadcast live over the Internet. Also, be aware that an audio recording of the public portions of this meeting, along with any materials presented or distributed in the public portions of this meeting, will be posted on the Legislature’s website. Witnesses with questions or concerns should contact staff.


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for this meeting should call Legislative Research and General Counsel at 801-538-1032 or use Relay Utah (toll free in-state 7-1-1 or Spanish-language 888-346-3162), giving them at least 48 hours notice or the best notice practicable.



Executive Offices and Criminal Justice

Appropriations Subcommittee

Tuesday, September 22, 2015



1.   8:00 a.m.      Approval of Minutes

2.   8:05 a.m.      Building Block/Budget Change Review

                           a.      Fiscal Note Follow-up Report

                           b.      Offender Treatment Outcome Measures

                                    i.          Corrections

                                                1.         Treatment

                                                2.         Work Programs

                                                3.         Education

                           c.      Board of Pardons Hearing Officer Compensation


3.   9:05 a.m.      Justice Reinvestment Initiative – LFA Issue Brief/Agency Response


4.   10:00 a.m.    Attorney General Budget Analysis

                           a.      OLAG Audit Findings/Agency Response

                           b.      LFA Budget Options/Agency Response


5.   11:05 a.m.    Subcommittee Reports

                           a.      Alcoholic Beverage Enforcement Account

                           b.      Attorney General Litigation Fund

                           c.      Additional Submitted EOCJ Annual Reports


6.   11:30 a.m.    Adjourn