Wednesday, October 21, 2015 • 1:15 p.m. • Room 20 House Building



 Time Frame

1:15             1.   Committee Business

·         Call to order

·         Approval of the minutes of the August 19, 2015, meeting


1:20             2.   State Workforce Development Board Amendments

In response to 2014 changes to the federal Workforce Investment Act, including the structure, function, and name of the State Council of Workforce Services, the Department of Workforce Services is recommending conforming amendments to state statute. A representative of the department will present changes needed for committee consideration.

·         Kathy Bounous, Director, Adjudications/Appeals, and General Counsel, Department of Workforce Services


1:30             3.   Consolidation of Annual Reports

                     After two years of study and a committee-recommended bill during the 2014 General Session, the Legislature passed S.B. 31, "State Agency Reporting Amendments," which described annual written reporting requirements for each agency that reports to the committee. The bill also consolidated separate reports into the annual written report from each agency. This year, legislative leadership asked all interim committees to look at agency reports that may be outdated and should be repealed or modified. What reports are currently required from the agencies that report to the committee? How should the committee respond to this issue?   


·         Peter Asplund, Associate General Counsel, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel


1:40             4.   Department of Heritage and Arts – Annual Report

The Department of Heritage and Arts is required to prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislature by October 1 of each year an annual written report of the operations, activities, programs, and services of the department, including its divisions, offices, and boards, for the preceding fiscal year. The department will present its second annual report under this requirement enacted in 2014 and any recommendations for legislative action.


·         Julie Fisher, Director, Department of Heritage and Arts

·         Brian Somers, Deputy Director, Department of Heritage and Arts


2:00             5.   Department of Workforce Services – Annual Report

The Department of Workforce Services will present its second annual report, described in agenda item 4, under the new requirements passed during the 2014 General Session and any recommendations for legislative action.


·         Jon Pierpont, Executive Director, Department of Workforce Services




2:20             6.   Governor's Office of Economic Development – Annual Report

The Governor's Office of Economic Development will present its second report, described in agenda item 4, under the new requirements passed during the 2014 General Session and any recommendations for legislative action.


·         Q. Val Hale, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Economic Development

·         Kimberly Henrie, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer, Governor's Office of Economic Development


2:40             7.   Utah Fund of Funds – Annual Report and Audit

The Utah Capital Investment Corporation was created to increase the availability of venture capital and private equity for emerging, expanding, and restructuring enterprises in Utah. The corporation is governed by the five-member Utah Capital Investment Board and directs investments of the Utah Fund of Funds. Each year the corporation is required to submit both an annual report and an audit.


·         Bret Jepsen, Managing Director, Utah Capital Investment Corporation


3:00             8.  Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Training

During the 2015 General Session, the Legislature passed H.B. 216, "Workplace Abusive Conduct Amendments to Promote a Healthy Workplace," which defines abusive conduct and requires the Department of Human Resource Management to provide training for state employees to prevent abusive workplace conduct. The department is also required to provide a report and recommendations to the committee no later than November 2015.


·         Bob Thompson, Director, Labor Relations, Department of Human Resource Management

·         Greg Hargis, Human Resource Specialist, Department of Human Resource Management


3:20              9.  Urban Redevelopment Tax Credit Proposal

The Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED) currently administers a program to provide non-refundable tax credits in established enterprise zones in economically depressed rural areas. The tax credits are to encourage businesses to create jobs by locating or expanding in the enterprise zone. The committee will hear a proposal to provide a similar type of income tax credit in urban renewal, economic development, and community development project areas.


·         Sen. Wayne A. Harper

·         Rep. Stephen G. Handy


3:40            10.  Other Committee Business / Adjourn