Tuesday, February 21, 2017 • 4:10 pm • 210 Senate Building

Members Present:

Rep. Brad M. Daw, Chair

Rep. Michael S. Kennedy, Vice Chair

Rep. Stewart E. Barlow

Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck

Rep. Craig Hall

Rep. Sandra Hollins

Rep. Kelly B. Miles

Rep. Paul Ray

Rep. Edward H. Redd

Rep. Robert M. Spendlove

Rep. Norman K Thurston

Rep. Raymond P. Ward

Staff Present:

Mr. Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst

Mr. Steve Benard, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at

Chair Daw called the meeting to order.


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2017, meeting.

The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-5.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

1. S.B. 91 Native American Child Welfare Amendments (Van Tassell, K.)

Sen. Kevin T. Van Tassell presented the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Redd moved to pass S.B. 91 out favorably. The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. R. Spendlove

2. H.B. 342 Utah Anatomical Gift Act Amendments (Froerer, G.)

Rep. Gage Froerer presented the bill with the assistance of Mr. Tracy Schmidt, Intermountain Donor Services.

Ms. Susan Price spoke in opposition to the bill.


MOTION:     Chair Daw moved to replace H.B. 342 with 1st Substitute H.B. 342.

The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 342 out favorably.

The motion passed with a vote of 11-0-1.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. R. Spendlove

3. H.B. 266 Pharmaceutical Step Therapy (Hutchings, E.)

Rep. Eric K. Hutchings presented the bill with the assistance of Ms. Brook Carlile, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE: Rep. Thurston noted that he is a member of PEHP's appeals board.

Mr. Travis Wood, Utah Health Plans, spoke in opposition to the bill.

Dr. Kristina Callis Duffin, dermatologist, University of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill.

Mr. Kelly Atkinson, Utah Health Insurance Association, spoke to the bill.

Dr. Tawnya Constantino, Intermountain Healthcare, to the bill.

Ms. Jessica Poff spoke in favor of the bill.

Mr. Frank Pignanelli, ExpressScripts, spoke to the bill.

Ms. Eliana White, SelectHealth, spoke to the bill.

Mr. Lincoln Shurtz, Molina Healthcare, spoke to the bill.

Mr. Brian Allen, AHIP, spoke to the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to replace H.B. 266 with 1st Substitute H.B. 266.

The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-0.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward




MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to hold 1st Substitute H.B. 266.


SUBSTITUTE MOTION:   Rep. Ray moved to amend 1st Substitute H.B. 266 with Amendment #1.


1.    Page 2, Line 55 through Page 3, Line 58:     


55   (3) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(a), a health insurer shall authorize an insured

56to bypass use of one or more step drugs if, for each step drug to be bypassed, the insured

  or the insured's physician  

57submits to the health insurer information documenting to the satisfaction of the health insurer

58that one or more of the following conditions have been satisfied:


The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-0.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward




MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to hold 1st Substitute H.B. 266.


SUBSTITUTE MOTION:   Rep. Ray moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 266 out favorably.

The motion failed with a vote of 2-10-0. 




Rep. P. Ray

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward




The original motion passed with a vote of 11-1-0.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. C. Hall

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. K. Miles

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward

Rep. P. Ray



4. H.B. 346 Suicide Prevention Programs (Eliason, S.)


Rep. Steve Eliason presented the bill.


Ms. Jody England Hansen spoke in favor of the bill.


Ms. Debra Oaks Coe, Utah Commission for LGBT Suicide Prevention and Awareness, spoke in favor of the bill.


MOTION:     Rep. Redd moved to replace H.B. 346 with 1st Substitute H.B. 346.

The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. C. Hall

Rep. K. Miles



MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to amend 1st Substitute H.B. 346 with Amendment #1.


1.    Page 1, Line 16:  


16   This bill appropriates in fiscal year






The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. C. Hall

Rep. K. Miles


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 346 out favorably.

The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. C. Hall

Rep. K. Miles


MOTION:     Rep. Chavez-Houck moved to adjourn.

The motion passed with a vote of 10-0-2.




Rep. S. Barlow

Rep. R. Chavez-Houck

Rep. B. Daw

Rep. S. Hollins

Rep. M. Kennedy

Rep. P. Ray

Rep. E. Redd

Rep. R. Spendlove

Rep. N. Thurston

Rep. R. Ward


Rep. C. Hall

Rep. K. Miles


5. H.B. 353, Physical Therapy Amendments (R. Spendlove)


The bill was not considered.


6. H.B. 266, Pharmaceutical Step Therapy (E. Hutchings)


The bill was not considered.


Chair Daw adjourned the meeting. 





Rep. Brad M. Daw, Chair