Where Does the Department of Health's Fee Revenue Come From? - Russell T. Frandsen
Last Updated: May 22, 2015

The Department of Health estimates total revenue of $13.1 million for FY 2016 from 1,200 fees.  The following 15 fees make up 2/3 of all the estimated revenue:
  1. Newborn screening, laboratory testing - $3.9 million to test for 38 diseases in 52,000 newborns
  2. Newborn screening, follow-up services - $1.5 million to follow up on positive test results from any of 38 diseases for 52,000 newborns
  3. Initial copies of birth certificates - $1.0 million for 51,100 copies
  4. C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae detection by nucleic acid test - $0.5 million for about 21,100 tests 
  5. Review and authorize cremation - $0.3 million for the Medical Examiner to allow 6,300 cremations
  6. Hospital license bed two year operating licenses - $0.2 million for 5,800 beds
  7. Background checks for child care workers - $0.2 million from 13,900 workers
  8. Health care facility two year operating licenses - $0.2 million from 400 facilities 
  9. Practical test for the basic level for emergency medical technicians - $0.2 million from 2,000 applicants
  10. Institutional license (All-Payer Claims Database & Facilities Data) - $0.2 million from 1 license
  11. Additional copies of birth certificates - $0.1 million
  12. Birth certificates from adoptions - $0.1 million
  13. Standardized limited data set - $0.1 million for 10 sets
  14. Sound production w/ evaluation of language comprehension (92523) - $0.1 million for speech evaluation for about 650 individuals at the State's Children with Special Health Care Needs Clinics
  15. Home health agencies two year operating licenses - $0.1 million from 70 agencies
The first three fees make up nearly 50% of all the estimated revenue from fees.  For more information on all of the fees in the Department of Health, please see the interactive tool created by Thomas Young, Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst: https://public.tableau.com/shared/4RTN2FPJ7?:display_count=yes.