Wednesday, January 9, 2002

Members Present: Rep. Sheryl Allen, Co-Chairman

Sen. Gene Davis

Sen. Carlene Walker

Rep. Jackie Biskupski

Rep. Kory M. Holdaway

Rep. Carol Spackman Moss

Rep. Bradley A. Winn

Members Excused: Sen. Dave Gladwell, Co-Chairman

Sen. Al Mansell

Rep. David Ure

Staff Present: Dr. Andrea Wilko, Fiscal Analyst

Kathryn Judd, Committee Secretary

Visitors List: Visitors List available at House of Representatives

Chairman Sheryl Allen called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. She explained the Committee's time frame is to take action on FY2002 budgets on Thursday, January 9, 2002 or at the latest Tuesday, January 15, 2002.

The Chair recognized Donna Dahl, Utah State Fair Park Director, and Dick Abbott, Controller. They reviewed the Fair Park budget and programs, and responded to the Analyst's recommendations and Committee questions. They also presented the Governor's Fair Park Study Committee Report and recommendations. Mr. Abbott went over state appropriations for years 1996-2001.

Chairman Allen accepted as a serious recommendation a proposal by Rep. Winn to support the Study Committee's recommendations.

David Winder, DCED Director, gave an overview of the Department budget challenges and the things that are needed to develop a business climate. He emphasized the importance of developing lasting benefits from the Olympic Games. Mr. Winder, with Dean Reeder, Utah Travel Council Director, responded to Committee questions.

Mr. Winder commented to the Analyst's budget recommendations and stated the Department needed to focus on needs and priorities. He requested that the Department be given freedom to choose where cuts will be made rather than have an imposed one-day furlough.

Todd Hauber, DCED, spoke for the Digital Signatures pilot program and policies and the requested funding. He answered Committee questions regarding the digital transfer of certification and legal contracts process.

Specific Department budget items and their status were reviewed by DCED representatives and the Committee. They also discussed possible funding sources and options. Lynn Ward, State Budget Director, responded to questions regarding IAF and UTFC funds and the transferring of the State Science Advisor position to DCED. She requested that this move not be made until the end of FY2002.

Chairman Allen recognized Karen Okabe, Director DHRM, and Kim Christensen for their Department's response to the fiscal analyst's recommendations. They reviewed the complications to the Department by the budget cuts, but accepted them. They answered Committee questions and also urged flexibility in making the cuts within Human Resource Management.

Bob Thompson, Director Career Service Review Board, explained the responsibilities of the Board to review State grievances and appeals. He reviewed the grievance caseload and answered Committee member questions. He was asked to supply a list of last year's grievances.

Tim Funk, Crossroads Urban Center; Geneva Powell and Jesus Campos, Section 8 Coalition; and Heather Tritten, Utah Issues, spoke on expiring Section 8 Contracts and the need for low income housing. They spoke against budget cuts for the Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund and answered Committee questions.

David Dee and Allison Richards, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, urged continuing support for the Museum.

The Committee discussed various budgets and funding sources. Chairman Allen encouraged the sharing of ideas and impressions. She requested a mini report Thursday on IAF redirection, UTFC liquidation, and Space Port money; and recognized the Committee members' sensitivity to avoiding designated one-day furloughs and cuts to the Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund.

Chairman Allen adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

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Sen. David L. Gladwell, Co-Chair Rep. Sheryl L. Allen, Co-Chair