Fiscal Highlights - June 2015

Reactive versus Proactive Maintenance - Angela J. Oh ( PDF)

During June's Executive Appropriations Committee meeting, Shane Marshall, Deputy Director for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), explained to the committee that maintaining bridges and roads was similar to maintaining a car; you can be either reactive or proactive, but at some point, maintenance needs to be done. H.B. 362, Transportation Infrastructure Funding, 2015 General Session, converts the gasoline and diesel tax into a sales tax which is estimated to increase revenue to the Transportation Fund by about $25 million in FY 2016. This new revenue will allow UDOT to perform more level 2 pavement maintenance and bridge replacements and improvements.

Bridge maintenance is a crucial part of extending the service life of structures; it also helps minimize future repair costs. Going back to the car analogy, performing regular oil changes costs a little bit of money each year, but it is cheaper than replacing the entire engine a few years down the road in order to save money upfront.

The graph below illustrates the condition or health of bridges with three scenarios: no additional funding (red line), $21 million (blue line, where we were prior to H.B. 362), and $46 million (orange line) from 2014 through 2034.

Chart Source: Utah Department of Transportation, June 2015

June 2015 Content ( PDF)

Higher Education Enrollment Projections - Spencer C. Pratt
The Utah State Board of Regents recently adopted enrollment projections for the eight colleges and ...
Implementation Funding for S.B. 54 (2014 General Session) - Clare Tobin Lence
When S.B. 54, Elections Amendments, passed during the 2014 General Session, the fiscal note ...
It Looks Like the Gas Price Decrease is Boosting Consumption - Thomas E. Young
In June 2014, the price of oil started to drop.  The price continued to drop throughout the re...
Legislative Action May Reduce the Number of Statutorily Required Reports - Steven M. Allred
One of the directions given by legislative leadership to committee chairs this interim is to look a...
Public Lands Office Appropriations - Brian Wikle
The Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office (PLPCO) has historically received the largest proportio...
Reactive versus Proactive Maintenance - Angela J. Oh
During June's Executive Appropriations Committee meeting, Shane Marshall, Deputy Director for the U...
Rent or Own? - Andrea Wilko
Homeownership rates are at all time lows for a variety of reasons, including stagnant incomes pus...
Social Services June 2015 Interim Meeting Overview - Stephen C. Jardine
The Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee held its first interim meeting for this year on Fri...
Update on This Is The Place Heritage Park - Ivan D. Djambov
This Is The Place Heritage Park was established in 1957 and was managed by the Division of Parks ...

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