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Download Zipped Introduced WP 6.1 HB0345.zip
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This bill expands range of the Unemployment Insurance rate from 0.2 - 8.0 percent to 0.1 - 8.1 percent. Changes in the reserve rate and calculation method will effect a reduction for all employers paying this insurance at the contributory rate. The provisions of this bill will reduce income to the Employment Compensation Fund estimated by approximately $26,500,000 per year. After the reductions, sufficient revenue and reserves will be available to satisfy the requirements of the Fund. A one-time appropriation of $52,500 from the Employment Security Administration Fund will be required to execute this bill.

FY 01 Approp. FY 02 Approp. FY 01 Revenue FY 02 Revenue
Unemploy.Insur. Trust $0 $0 ($26,500,000) ($27,600,000)
Employment Security Admin $52,500 $0 $0 $0
TOTAL $52,500 0 ($26,500,000) ($27,600,000)

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/17/00 10:42:09 AM


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