Fiscal Note

HB0097 - Sexual Exploitation of a Minor

State Impact:
Enactment of this bill may require additional appropriations depending on the number of convictions in a given year. While the number of convictions in a given year cannot be determined at this time, the state cost of one additonal offender to the criminal justice system as a result of enactment is $30,200 of state funds in FY 2010 and $29,700 in each year thereafter.

Funding SourceFY 2009
FY 2010
FY 2011
FY 2009
FY 2010
FY 2011
General Fund$0$29,700$29,700$0$0$0
General Fund, One-Time$0$500$0$0$500$0
General Fund Restricted$0$0$0$0$900$0






Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Enactment of this bill may impact local law enforcement agencies, however the amount is unquantifiable at this time.

2/3/2009, 10:45:38 AM, Lead Analyst: Syphus, G.Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst