Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2012 General Session

SB0085 - Medicaid Cost Control Amendments

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill saves the state $208,900 federal funds in FY 2013. In FY 2014 this bill saves the state $443,700 from the General Fund and $2,734,200 federal funds. In FY 2015 General Fund savings increase to $453,500 and federal funds savings increase to $2,756,600. This bill generates additional ongoing General Fund operating savings to the Department of Health of $91,200 in FY 2013 and $750,000 in FY2014, which it transfers to the new Medicaid Cost Control -- Psychotropic Drugs Restricted Account. The bill annually appropriates up to $750,000 to the Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health from the new restricted account based on savings deposited.

State Budget Detail TableFY 2012FY 2013FY 2014
General Fund$0$0($443,700)
Federal Funds$0($208,900)($2,734,200)
Restricted Funds$0$91,200$750,000
   Total Expenditure$0($117,700)($2,427,900)
Net Impact, All Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0$117,700$2,427,900
   Net Impact, General/Education Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0$0$443,700

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
This bill appropriates from restricted funds $91,200 in FY2013 and $750,000 ongoing beginning in FY2014 for 13 local mental health authorities which can use these funds to draw down federal funds.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable expenditures by Utah residents or businesses.

2/15/2012, 10:09:44 AM, Lead Analyst: Frandsen, R./Attny: CJDOffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst