Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2013 General Session

SB0250 - Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Sales of a Fuel Cell

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill forgoes $4,700 in sales tax revenue per $100,000 in FY 2014 sales. A 100 kW project may cost about $750,000 in taxable sales, forgoing approximately $35,000 in sales tax revenue. Actual forgone revenue will depend on the amount of fuel cells purchased each year.

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
Enactment of this bill forgoes about $2,100 in local sales tax revenue per $100,000 in FY 2014 sales. A 100 kW project may cost about $750,000 in taxable sales, forgoing approximately $16,000 in sales tax revenue. Actual forgone revenue will depend on the amount of fuel cells purchased each year.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
By forgoing sales tax, enactment of this bill reduces what otherwise would have been $6,800 in sales tax liability per $100,000 FY 2014 taxable sales.

Performance Note Required? (Joint Rule 4-2-404): No

3/5/2013, 7:24:21 AM, Lead Analyst: Young, T./Attny: RLROffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst