Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2014 General Session

HB0155S01 - Utah Communication Agency Network and Utah 911 Committee Amendments

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill creates the Utah Communications Authority (UCA). The bill shifts revenue currently going to the University of Utah’s Poison Control Center to the Computer Aided Dispatch Restricted Account and decreases fees so that estimated collections go from $2.6 million per year to $2.2 million beginning in FY 2015. The bill directs $3.0 million in fee revenue from the E-911 committee to the Division of Finance. Under the bill, Finance will issue grants to local governments for communications infrastructure under direction of the committee. Fee adjustments in this bill will increase revenue to this fund by $0.40 million per year beginning in FY 2015. The bill redirects $0.71 million in ongoing General Fund appropriations and 0.5 FTE from the Department of Technology Services (DTS) to the Department of Public Safety (DPS). The bill also transfers 17 FTEs currently with DTS and DPS to UCA; $279,600 one-time will be transferred from Termination Pools for annual leave and sick leave; and $8,300 one-time will be transferred from DTS’ budget for vested compensation/excess hours to UCA. UCA will pay $25,400 per year ongoing into Other Post-Employment Benefit Trust Fund as long as these current employees remain with UCA. This bill also allows for the sale of $1.70 million in assets and $184,000 in inventory from DTS to UCA to be paid over the next seven years at zero interest.

State Budget Detail TableFY 2014FY 2015FY 2016
General Fund$0($705,000)($705,000)
General Fund$0$705,000$705,000
General Fund Restricted$0$2,578,000$2,578,000
Dedicated Credits$0($2,578,000)($2,578,000)
Trust & Agency Funds$0$25,400$25,400
   Total Revenue$0$25,400$25,400
Restricted Funds$0$287,900$0
   Total Expenditure$0$287,900$0
Net Impact, All Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0($262,500)$25,400
   Net Impact, General/Education Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0$0$0

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
Local governments may receive grants for communications infrastructure.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable expenditures by Utah residents or businesses.

Performance Note Required? (Joint Rule 4-2-404): No

3/5/2014, 10:06:08 PM, Lead Analyst: Oh, A./Attny: CJDOffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst