Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2014 General Session
SB0249 - Transportation Rights-of-way Safety Amendments
State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill would require the Department of Transportation to construct and maintain pathways in concert with state highways to accommodate bike paths and pedestrian walkways. This would require increased costs to the department. It is unknown at this time what those increased costs will be.
Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs for local governments.
Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable expenditures by Utah residents or businesses.
Performance Note Required? (Joint Rule 4-2-404): No
3/3/2014, 6:52:50 AM, Lead Analyst: Bleazard, M./Attny: RHR | Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |