From: American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
To: Rep. McKell, M.,
Subject: Utah Cancer Summit
Date: 2014-10-07T20:59:20Z
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Utah Cancer Summit: A Focus on Palliative Care

Register Today
November 10
University of Utah
Health Sciences Education Building

You're Invited

Utah Cancer Summit:
A Focus on Palliative Care

Pain. Nausea. Anxiety. Loss of appetite.

These symptoms are all too familiar for cancer patients and their families.

Palliative care sees the person beyond the cancer treatment.  It gives the patient control.  It brings trained specialists together with doctors and nurses in a team-based approach to manage pain and other symptoms, explain treatment options, and improve quality of life during serious illness.  Palliative care is all about treating the patient as well as the disease.  It’s a big shift in focus for health care delivery– and it works. 

Join the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network for the Utah Cancer Summit on November 10 as we discuss what palliative is, best practices happening in Utah, and what needs to happen to make palliative care available to more patients in Utah.  You will also hear about ACS CAN’s policy efforts to make palliative care more widely available.

The Utah Cancer Summit will be held at the University of Utah.  Lunch will be served and there is no cost to attend.  Reserve your seat today

Together we can create the quality of life that all cancer patients deserve. 

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