To: Sen. McKell, M.,
Subject: Dixie State University Name Change
Date: 2021-01-12T18:51:36Z

Dear Senator,


I am writing to express my view on the naming of Dixie State University. I believe that a name change is most appropriate and needed.


It is troubling to me that there are persons who believe that a term associated with an absolutely terrible period in U.S. history can be redefined and/or disassociated. Realistically, it is not possible. It is narrow-minded to believe we can be isolated and that there are no consequences with the language we use or embrace.


In our day of mass media and social media, if a change is not made, the repercussions of not approving a name change will be catastrophic. Imagine if the legislature votes in opposition to a name change how it will be portrayed in the media (both mass and social)! How many outlets will pick it up? How will it be portrayed? I believe it will not be explainable and southwestern Utah will be portrayed as a place that is racist and socially insensitive. We will be isolated as a people and region. We will be viewed as racists. The damage will be catastrophic in nearly every way.


Please do not be narrow-minded. Do the RIGHT thing. Think of social impact! Think of what this means nationally and globally and then decide if a name matters. In my mind, there is only one answer. Names matter! Please approve a name change.




Christopher L. Guymon

Resident, St. George, UT 84770