From: Peter Corroon
To: Sen. Weiler, T.,
Subject: From the desk of Peter Corroon, former Salt Lake County Mayor
Date: 2013-12-27T11:57:46Z

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Dear Todd,

I'm writing to you today because Utah has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the country.

In fact, in 2012 we ranked 39th in the whole country. The year 2014 will be another important election season, yet historically, midterm elections have seen even lower turnout in Utah. For some reason, many Utahns aren’t bothering to vote. However, one group is trying to change that.

The ABU Education Fund, an affiliate of the Alliance for a Better UTAH, focuses on important issues of civic engagement, like getting more Utahns registered to vote so that we no longer have one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the country.

But to make that happen, they depend on donations from people like you and me. Will you make a one-time, tax-deductible donation of $40 to the ABU Education Fund? 

In addition to increasing voter turnout in Utah, your donation also helps to bring balance, transparency and accountability to Utah government so that you feel like your vote matters.

Since their inception two years ago, Better UTAH has done a lot to make Utah a better place.

They have brought balance to important Utah discussions: immigration, ALEC, ALEC, and, well, ALEC, redistricting, and so much more.

They have held candidates and elected officials accountable.

They have increased transparency in Utah politics through GRAMA requests, a Contact Your Legislator app, and the launch of the first one-stop, Utah-based campaign finance disclosure database.

I believe that the Alliance for a Better UTAH and the ABU Education Fund are doing a tremendous job to make Utah more balanced, transparent and accountable. But, that can’t continue to happen without your help

I know you get burdened with so many requests for charitable contributions during this time of year, but this is a donation you won’t regret. 

Thanks for your interest and support,

Peter Corroon
Former Mayor of Salt Lake County

ABU Education Fund
P.O. Box 521847
Salt Lake City, UT 84152
801-893-ABU1 (2281)
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