From: Todd Weiler
To: Sen. Weiler, T.,
Subject: Re: Hearing for Margaret Plane
Date: 2020-12-04T00:41:29Z
Thank you, Dennis. I appreciate you contacting me and sharing your views. I spoke to Margaret this morning. 

Todd Weiler

On Dec 3, 2020, at 5:00 PM, Dennis Ferguson <> wrote:

Dear Senator Weiler,             ,


            I recently reviewed the list of recent judicial appointees who have been scheduled for judicial confirmation committee hearing on December 17, 2020.  I was surprised to see that Margaret Plane, whom Governor Herbert appointed to the Utah Court of Appeals, is not on the list.  Thinking that this must have been an oversight, I reached out to a member of the Governor’s staff and was disappointed to discover that Ms. Plane’s name has apparently been intentionally left off the list of recent appointees to be interviewed by the legislative committee and that there may be a legislative plan to never give her a hearing or to otherwise defeat her appointment.  I sincerely hope this is not the case.

            One of my specialties during my forty-five years of practicing law has been representing governmental entities in civil litigation.  I have had the great privilege of working closely with many city attorneys.  None has been more thorough, thoughtful, professional, and competent than Ms. Plane.  Typically, when receiving a case for defense from her, Ms. Plane would include a thorough investigation of the facts as well as citations to critical statutes and case law.  Moreover, she always treated litigants and their counsel with dignity and respect.  Her intellect, empathy, work ethic, and dedication to the rule of law bring great credit to the legal profession and would bring great credit to the judiciary.

            Ms. Plane has undergone a rigorous selection process and clearly has impressed the judicial selection committee and the Governor with her skill, expertise, intellect, credentials, and demeanor.  Please see that Ms. Plane is given the same public legislative hearing and consideration due to all judicial appointees and consider her appointment favorably.


Very Truly Yours,

Dennis Ferguson 
801 209-8094