2014GS Bill Search Results

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Bill/Link Sponsor Short Title Status/Votes
HB0019 Arent, P. Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Service Amendments Governor Signed - 3/20/2014
HB0065 HALL, C. Criminal Law Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0071S01 Poulson, M. Distribution of Intimate Images Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
HB0084 HALL, C. School District Amendments House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/14/2014
HB0084S01 HALL, C. School District Amendments House/ filed - 3/11/2014
HB0108S01 Cosgrove, T. Mobile Home Park Task Force House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0150S02 Peterson, V. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments Senate/ substituted - 3/12/2014
HB0150S03 Peterson, V. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments Bill Substituted by Conference Committee - 3/13/2014
HB0150S04 Peterson, V. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments Governor Signed - 4/1/2014
HB0166 HALL, C. Recodification of Appropriations Limit Formula House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/3/2014
HB0166S01 HALL, C. Recodification of Appropriations Limit Formula House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0216 HALL, C. Legislative Process Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0246 HALL, C. Failure to Report Contributions or Public Service Assistance House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/24/2014
HB0246S01 HALL, C. Failure to Report Contributions or Public Service Assistance House/ substituted - 3/4/2014
HB0246S02 HALL, C. Failure to Report Contributions or Public Service Assistance Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 3/13/2014
HB0246S03 HALL, C. Government Ethics Revisions Senate/ substituted - 3/13/2014
HB0246S04 HALL, C. Government Ethics Revisions Senate/ substituted - 3/13/2014
HB0246S05 HALL, C. Government Ethics Revisions Governor Signed - 4/1/2014
HB0281 HALL, C. Motorcycle Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0308 HALL, C. Criminal Penalty Amendments Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
HB0368 HALL, C. Jury Duty Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
SB0090S01 Weiler, T. Residency Amendments Governor Signed - 3/31/2014
SB0173S01 Weiler, T. Child Protection Amendments Governor Signed - 3/20/2014
SB0174 Henderson, D. Emergency Fiscal Procedures Counties Governor Signed - 3/31/2014