2014GS Bill Search Results

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Bill/Link Sponsor Short Title Status/Votes
HB0045 Oda, C. In-state Tuition for Military Servicemembers and Veterans Governor Signed - 3/31/2014
HB0054 Bird, J. New Automobile Franchise Act Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0056 MCKELL, M. Mechanics Lien Revisions House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/14/2014
HB0056S02 MCKELL, M. Mechanics Lien Revisions House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0108S01 Cosgrove, T. Mobile Home Park Task Force House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0117 MCKELL, M. Patent Infringement Amendments House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/21/2014
HB0117S01 MCKELL, M. Patent Infringement Amendments Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/5/2014
HB0117S02 MCKELL, M. Patent Infringement Amendments Governor Signed - 4/1/2014
HB0127 Dunnigan, J. Consumer Lending Amendments Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
HB0151 Stratton, K. Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands Governor Signed - 4/1/2014
HB0164 Stratton, K. Interstate Compact on Transfer of Public Lands Governor Signed - 4/1/2014
HB0168S01 Brown, M. School and Institutional Trust Lands and Funds Management Provisions Senate/ substituted - 3/11/2014
HB0168S02 Brown, M. School and Institutional Trust Lands and Funds Management Provisions Governor Signed - 4/2/2014
HB0179 MCKELL, M. Family Expenses House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0248 MCKELL, M. Crime Victims Restitution Act Amendments House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/10/2014
HB0248S01 MCKELL, M. Crime Victims Restitution Amendments Governor Signed - 3/31/2014
HB0253 MCKELL, M. State Fair Corporation Board Amendments House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/10/2014
HB0253S01 MCKELL, M. State Fair Corporation Board Amendments Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
HB0275S02 Oda, C. Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day Governor Signed - 3/28/2014
HB0293 MCKELL, M. Government Immunity Wildlife Waiver Amendments House/ to Governor - 3/19/2014
HB0293S01 MCKELL, M. Government Immunity Wildlife Waiver Amendments Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
HB0387 MCKELL, M. Highway Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0390 Chavez-Houck, R. Unlawful Activities Amendments Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
HB0394 Dunnigan, J. Campaign Finance Revisions Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/11/2014
HB0394S01 Dunnigan, J. Campaign Finance Revisions Senate/ substituted - 3/11/2014
HB0394S02 Dunnigan, J. Campaign Finance Revisions Governor Signed - 3/13/2014
HB0400 MCKELL, M. Nonrepairable Vehicle Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0416 MCKELL, M. Amendments to Procedures for Surface Leases House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HB0421 MCKELL, M. Sovereign Lands Management Account Amendments House/ filed - 3/13/2014
HCR001S01 Fisher, Janice Concurrent Resolution Designating Call Your Military Hero Day Governor Signed - 3/25/2014
HJR008 Powell, K. Joint Resolution Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution House/ substituted - 3/10/2014
HJR008S01 Powell, K. Joint Resolution Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution House/ filed - 3/10/2014
HJR012 MCKELL, M. Joint Resolution on Appointment of Legal Counsel for Executive Officers House/ to Governor - 3/21/2014
SB0044S01 Mayne, K. Workers' Compensation and Employee Misconduct Governor Signed - 3/29/2014
SB0069S02 Urquhart, S. Prejudgment Interest Revisions House/ substituted - 3/11/2014
SB0069S04 Urquhart, S. Prejudgment Interest Revisions Governor Signed - 3/31/2014
SB0125 Henderson, D. Retired Volunteer Health Care Practitioner Amendments Governor Signed - 3/25/2014
SB0145 Bramble, C. Background Check Amendments Governor Signed - 3/27/2014
SB0210S01 Bramble, C. Prescription Synchronization Governor Signed - 3/28/2014
SB0213 Okerlund, R. Compulsory Pooling Amendments Governor Signed - 4/1/2014
MCKELL, M. Accountability Task Force Abandoned