2016GS Bill Search Results
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Bill/Link | Sponsor | Short Title | Status/Votes |
HB0006 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Base Budget | House/ substituted - 2/8/2016 |
HB0006S01 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Base Budget | Governor Signed - 2/16/2016 |
HB0052S01 | Arent, P. | Office of Outdoor Recreation Amendments | Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2016 |
HB0052S02 | Arent, P. | Office of Outdoor Recreation Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/21/2016 |
HB0086S01 | Cunningham, R. | Postretirement Employment Restrictions | Senate/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules/ substituted/amend - 3/9/2016 |
HB0086S03 | Cunningham, R. | Postretirement Employment Restrictions | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0098 | Ray, P. | National Guard Death Benefit Amendments | Senate Comm - Returned to Rules - 3/8/2016 |
HB0098S01 | Ray, P. | National Guard Death Benefit Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/21/2016 |
HB0127 | Peterson, V. | License Plate Options | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/3/2016 |
HB0127S01 | Peterson, V. | License Plate Options | Governor Signed - 3/21/2016 |
HB0259 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Substance Abuse Treatment Fraud | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/18/2016 |
HB0259S01 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Substance Abuse Treatment Fraud | Governor Signed - 3/23/2016 |
HB0295 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Obesity Report | Governor Signed - 3/21/2016 |
HB0297 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Bail Bond Amendments | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/7/2016 |
HB0297S01 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Bail Bond Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0320 | Christensen, L. | Metro Township Revisions | Governor Signed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0366 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Attorney General Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0390 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Law Enforcement Tracking Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0396 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Money Management Act Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0430 | Stratton, K. | Hole in the Rock State Park Designation | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0437S03 | Dunnigan, J. | Health Care Revisions | Governor Signed - 3/25/2016 |
HB0462 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Notaries Public Amendments | House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ Consent Calendar - 3/7/2016 |
HB0462S01 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Notaries Public Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0465 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Expungement Act Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0480 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Crime Victim Notification Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0483 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HB0487 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Amendments | LFA/ fiscal note publicly available - 3/8/2016 |
HB0487S01 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Amendments | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HCR005 | Fawson, J. | Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the 100-year Anniversary of Our National Parks | House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ Consent Calendar - 2/3/2016 |
HCR005S01 | Fawson, J. | Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the 100-year Anniversary of Our National Parks | Governor Signed - 3/10/2016 |
HCR007 | Wheatley, M. | Concurrent Resolution for a Statue to Recognize Father Dominguez and Father Escalante | Governor Signed - 3/14/2016 |
HJR014S01 | Edwards, R. | Joint Resolution Supporting the Retention of Public Educators | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HJR015 | HUTCHINGS, E. | Utah Athletic Foundation Joint Resolution | House/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
SB0011 | Harper, W. | Cancellation of Auto Insurance Coverage | House/ substituted - 3/2/2016 |
SB0011S01 | Harper, W. | Cancellation of Auto Insurance Coverage | Governor Signed - 3/21/2016 |
SB0108S01 | Henderson, D. | Birthing Center Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/18/2016 |
SB0123S01 | Mayne, K. | Office of Licensing Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/28/2016 |
SB0137 | Shiozawa, B. | County Option Funding for Botanical, Cultural, Recreational, and Zoological Organizations and Facilities | Governor Signed - 3/28/2016 |
SB0150S02 | Mayne, K. | Metro Township Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/22/2016 |
SB0152 | Stephenson, H. | Accelerated Foreign Language Course Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/18/2016 |
SB0189 | Urquhart, S. | Death Penalty Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
SB0202 | Hillyard, L. | Pre-trial Release Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/10/2016 |
HUTCHINGS, E. | Criminal Justice Amendments | Abandoned | |
HUTCHINGS, E. | Renewal of Minors' Driver Licenses | Abandoned |