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H.R. 1





Sponsor: Susan J. Koehn

             9      EFFECTIVE DATE.
             10      This resolution affects legislative rules as follows:
             11      AMENDS:
             12          HR-20.07
             13          HR-24.01
             14          HR-24.19
             15      ENACTS:
             16          HR-24.27
             17          HR-37.10
             18      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             19          HR-25.15
             20      REPEALS:
             21          HR-37.01
             22          HR-37.02
             23          HR-37.03
             24          HR-37.04
             25          HR-37.05
             26          HR-37.06
             27          HR-37.07

             28          HR-37.08
             29          HR-37.09
             30      Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. HR-20.07 is amended to read:
             32           HR-20.07. Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms.
             33          (1) A Sergeant-at-Arms shall be appointed by the Speaker or the Speaker-elect prior to the
             34      convening of each session.
             35          (2) The Sergeant-at-Arms [is to] shall:
             36          (a) maintain security[,];
             37          (b) enforce the House Rules at the direction of the presiding officer or the body; and
             38          (c) provide other service as requested by the Chief Clerk or the Speaker.
             39          Section 2. HR-24.01 is amended to read:
             40           HR-24.01. House Rules Committee.
             41          (1) All legislation introduced shall be submitted to the House Rules Committee.
             42          [(1)] (2) (a) [This committee] The House Rules Committee has all the powers, functions,
             43      and duties of a standing committee when it:
             44          (i) prepares the House Rules and Joint Rules and presents them to the House before
             45      adjournment on the second day of each annual general session; or
             46          (ii) reviews all House Rules or Joint Rules resolutions.
             47          (b) Rules resolutions reviewed by House Rules Committee shall be reported directly to the
             48      House for its approval, amendment, or disapproval.
             49          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (5), when meeting as a standing committee under this
             50      Subsection (2), persons other than committee members may make comments and
             51      recommendations at the discretion of the chair.
             52          [(2)] (3) For all legislation not specified in Subsection [(1)] (2) that is referred to the House
             53      Rules Committee, the committee shall:
             54          (a) (i) examine each bill for proper form, including fiscal note and interim committee note,
             55      if any, and, when in proper form, order the bills printed; and
             56          (ii) in extraordinary circumstances, recommend to the House that a bill be printed without
             57      a fiscal note; and
             58          (b) refer [each bill] bills to the House with a recommendation:

             59          [(i) that the legislation be held in the House Rules Committee;]
             60          [(ii)] (i) that the legislation be referred to a standing committee for consideration; or
             61          [(iii)] (ii) that the legislation be read the second time and placed on the third reading
             62      calendar.
             63          [(c)] (4) In carrying out [the] its functions and responsibilities under Subsection [(2)] (3),
             64      [this committee] the House Rules Committee may not:
             65          [(i)] (a) table a bill without the written consent of the sponsor;
             66          [(ii)] (b) report out any bill that has been tabled by a standing committee;
             67          [(iii)] (c) amend a bill without the written consent of the sponsor;
             68          [(iv)] (d) substitute a bill without the written consent of the sponsor; or
             69          [(v)] (e) sponsor a bill, except for the revisor's bill.
             70          [(3)] (5) When this committee is carrying out the functions and responsibilities of
             71      Subsection [(2)] (3), this committee shall:
             72          [(a) provide oral notice from the floor of the time and place of its next meeting or post
             73      written notice of its next meeting during a legislative session when oral notice is impractical or
             74      outside of a legislative session, 24 hour notice shall be given;]
             75          (a) during a legislative session, give notice of its meetings by either:
             76          (i) providing oral notice from the floor of the time and place of its next meeting; or
             77          (ii) when oral notice is impractical, post written notice of its next meeting;
             78          (b) when the legislature is not in session, post a notice of meeting at least 24 hours before
             79      the meeting convenes;
             80          [(b)] (c) have as its agenda all bills in its possession for assignment to committee; and
             81          [(c)] (d) prepare minutes that include a record, by individual legislator, of votes taken.
             82          [(4)] (6) Anyone may attend a meeting of the rules committee, but comments and
             83      discussion are limited to members of the committee.
             84          Section 3. HR-24.19 is amended to read:
             85           HR-24.19. Committee Reports.
             86          (1) All business referred to a committee shall be considered in the order determined by the
             87      committee chair.
             88          (2) When a bill is acted upon by a committee, the bill and a committee report detailing
             89      committee action shall be [returned immediately to the House] submitted to the Chief Clerk of the

             90      House no later than the next legislative day.
             91          (3) (a) If a bill is tabled, the House shall be notified.
             92          (b) This notification requires no House action, [as] because the bill [shall] will be
             93      automatically sent to the House Rules Committee.
             94          Section 4. HR-24.27 is enacted to read:
             95           HR-24.27. Reconsideration of Action.
             96          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a committee may, by majority vote of those
             97      present, reconsider any committee action at any time before the committee report is sent to the
             98      House.
             99          (2) A committee may not reconsider a bill more than once.
             100          Section 5. HR-25.15 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             101           HR-25.15. Concurrence calendar.
             102          (1) (a) After the communication from the Senate informing the House that the Senate has
             103      amended a House bill is read, the bill shall be placed on the concurrence calendar.
             104          (b) During the first 43 days of the annual general session, the bill shall remain on the
             105      concurrence calendar for at least one legislative day before the House may consider the question
             106      of concurrence.
             107          (c) During the last two days of the annual general session, and during any special sessions,
             108      the bill may be considered for concurrence after giving House members reasonable time to review
             109      the Senate amendments.
             110          (2) When presented to the House, the question shall be: "This bill (resolution) has been
             111      read three times; the question is: Shall the House concur in the Senate amendments?"
             112          Section 6. HR-37.10 is enacted to read:
             113           HR-37.10. Impeachment.
             114          If any member submits a resolution to the House to begin impeachment proceedings, the
             115      House shall adopt, by majority vote, policies establishing procedures for, and governing the
             116      conduct of, the impeachment process.
             117          Section 7. Repealer.
             118          This act repeals:
             119          Rule HR-37.01, Origination of Resolution.
             120          Rule HR-37.02, Causes for Impeachment.

             121          Rule HR-37.03, Resolution of Investigation.
             122          Rule HR-37.04, Impeachment Resolution Priority.
             123          Rule HR-37.05, Evidence in Committee Meeting.
             124          Rule HR-37.06, Committee on Articles of Impeachment.
             125          Rule HR-37.07, Vote on Articles of Impeachment.
             126          Rule HR-37.08, House Rules Govern.
             127          Rule HR-37.09, Articles of Impeachment; Procedure.
             128          Section 8. Effective date.
             129          This resolution takes effect upon approval by a majority vote of all members of the House
             130      of Representatives.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-15-99 9:17 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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