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        January 22, 1999

Mr. Speaker:

    The Health and Human Services Committee recommends H.B. 58, PREMARITAL EDUCATION AMENDMENTS, by Representative C. Saunders, be replaced and reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. H.B. 58, PREMARITAL EDUCATION AMENDMENTS with the following amendments:

1.    Page 4, line 94:    After "offered by a" bracket "church" and insert "religious institution"

2.    Page 5, line 147:    After the period insert "The video will be reviewed and approved by the Health and Human Services Standing or Interim Committees before it is provided to counties."


            Carl R. Saunders
            Committee Chair

Voting: 9-3-1
7 HB0058.HC1 BBushman/MDA ECM/JDH 10:24 AM

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