S.B. 51

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 2, 1999 5:17 PM

Representative Beck proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Line 87:    After "(6)" insert "(a)"

2.    Page 3, Line 89:    Delete "(a)" and insert "(i)"
         Renumber the remaining subsections accordingly.

3.    Page 4, Line 95:    After line 95 insert:

        "(b) Subsections (6)(a)(ii) and (iii) may only be considered in determining the dollar amount of cash assistance:
        (i) for cash assistance only cases; and
        (ii) for other public assistance cases if:
        (A) Subsections (6)(a)(ii) and (iii) can be implemented within the state's existing public assistance related waivers as of January 1, 1999;
        (B) the federal government extends a waiver that permits the implementation of Subsections (6)(a)(ii) and (iii); or
        (c) the federal government determines that the state's waivers that permit dual eligibility determinations for cash assistance and Medicaid are no longer valid.