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        January 27, 2000

Mr. Speaker:

    The Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 15, APPROPRIATION FOR SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICTS, by Representative J. Gowans, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 13:    At the beginning of line 13 insert "(1)"
2.    Page 1, Line 16:    Delete "(1)" and insert "(a)"
3.    Page 1, Line 17:    After "clean;" insert "and"
4.    Page 1, Line 18:    Delete "(2)" and insert "(b)"
5.    Page 1, Line 19:    After "program" delete the semi-colon and insert a period
6.    Page 1, Lines 20-25:    Delete lines 20-25
7.    Page 1, Line 25:    After line 25 insert the following:

        "(2) The money appropriated in Subsection (1) may be used to pay for office space, equipment, and expenses of soil conservation district personnel that previously had been provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service."


    Bradley T. Johnson
    Committee Chair

Voting: 9-0-5
3 HB0015.HC1 1/27/00 9:31 AM csteffen/CSS JBL/CCS

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