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        February 21, 2000

Mr. Speaker:

    The Health and Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 37, PUBLIC SCHOOLS SURVEYS AMENDMENTS, by Senator R. Montgomery, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 4, Line 96:    After "administrators" insert "who reflect or represent broad and diverse viewpoints on public education"

2.    Page 4, Line 100:    Delete "employed by" and insert "past or current employees of"

3.    Page 5, Line 122
    Goldenrod copy dated
    1-28-2000:    After "without" insert "prior written"

4.    Page 4, Line 123
    Goldenrod copy dated
    1-28-2000:    After "been" insert "reviewed and"

5.    Page 5, Line 133:
    Goldenrod copy dated
    1-28-2000:    After "by" delete "a" and insert "an unbiased, objective"

6.    Page 5, Line 134:
    Goldenrod copy dated
    1-28-2000:    After "instrument" insert "and who was awarded the administration of the survey
through a request for proposal (RFP) process"


    Carl R. Saunders
    Committee Chair

Voting: 7-4-2
3 SB0037.HC1 2/21/00 6:44 PM bbushman/MDA JLW/JWL

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