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        January 31, 2001

Mr. Speaker:

    The Quasi-Governmental Entities Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B.28, INDEPENDENT ENTITIES ACT, by Representative R. Bigelow, with the following amendments:

    1.    Page 2, Line 50:    After "that is" insert "individually"

    2    .Page 3, Line 88:    After "ownership," insert "individually"

    3.    Page 3, Line 88:    After "created" insert "by the state"

    4.    Page 4, Line 90:    After "ownership," insert "individually"

    5.    Page 4, Line 91:    After "corporation" insert "by the state"

         6.        Page 11, Line 322:        Before "Each independent corporation" insert "(1)"

         7.        Page 11, Line 323:        After line 323 insert:
                                "(2) Notwithstanding Section 36-12-15, the Office of Legislative                                 Auditor General may conduct comprehensive and special purpose                                 audits, examinations, and reviews of any independent                                          corporation.(3) Each independent corporation shall report, as                                      requested, to the committee on matters related to audits."


                                Ron Bigelow
                                Committee Chair

Voting: 8-0-1
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