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        February 9, 2001

Mr. Speaker:

    The Public Utilities and Technology Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 297, PROCEDURES FOR SMALL TELEPHONE COMPANY RATE CASES, by Representative T. Hatch, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Line 29:    Reinstate "it"

2.    Page 2, Line 30:    Delete "the commission"

3.    Page 3, Line 61:    Reinstate "its" and delete "the commission's"

4.    Page 4, Line 115:    After "Subsection (7)" delete "is" and insert "may become"


    John E. Swallow
    Committee Chair

    Thomas V. Hatch
Voting: 6-0-6    Sponsor
3 HB0297.HC1.wpd 2/9/01 9:24 am rnorth/RCN PO/MCP

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