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        February 15, 2001
Mr. Speaker:

    The Health and Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. S.B. 69, MEDICAL CLAIMS AMENDMENTS, by Senator L. Blackham, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 1, Line 11:    After "date." insert "This act contains a coordination clause."

2.    Page 3, Line 66:    After "title" insert ", provided that nothing in this section may be construed as requiring a third party administrator to use its own funds to pay claims that have not been funded by the entity for which the third party administrator is paying claims"

3.    Page 4, Line 117:    After "within" delete "15" and insert "20"

4    Page 5, Line 123:    After "within the" delete "15" and insert "20"
5.    Page 5, Line 124:    After "was" delete "insufficient" and insert "not sufficient for the insurer to make a decision on the claim"

6.    Page 5, Line 142:    After "(a)" delete "A" and insert " Beginning with health care claims submitted on or after January 1, 2002, a"

7.    Page 7, Line 190:    After "Subsection (12)(a)" delete "a provider may not use this section as" and insert "this section may not be"

8.    Page 7, Lines 195 and 196:    After "Commissioner" delete "and within existing legislative     appropriations" insert ",and beginning January 1, 2002"

9.    Page 8, Line 217:    After line 217 insert
        "Section 4. Coordination Clause.
        If this bill and H.B. 140 Health Claims Processing and Health Claims Auditing Act, both pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments to Subsection 31A-26-301.5(2)(b) in this bill shall supercede the amendments to Subsection 31A-26-301.5(2)(b) in H.B. 140.

    Carl R. Saunders
    Committee Chair

Voting: 7-0-5
3 SB0069.HC1.wpd 2/16/01 8:02 am bbushman/MDA CJD/MDA

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