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        February 19, 2001

Mr. President:

    The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 214, TAXATION OF MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AND TASK FORCE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS TAXATION, by Senator C. Bramble, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 5, Line 145:    Delete "(a)" and after "means" insert "one or more of the following: (a)"

2.    Page 5, Line 146:    After "Sec. 20.3" delete the period and insert a semicolon

3.    Page 5, Line 147:    Delete Line 147

4.    Page 5, Line 148:    Delete "(i)" and insert "(b)"

5.    Page 5, Line 150:    Delete "(ii)" and insert "(c)" and after "services;" delete "and"

6.    Page 5, Line 151:    Delete "(iii)" and insert "(d)" and delete the period and insert "; or" and after Line 151 insert:
        "(e) a service similar to Subsections (4)(a) through (d)."

7.    Page 7, Line 199:    After "rights-of-way" insert ", other than rights-of-way owned and operated by the state"


        Curtis S. Bramble
        Committee Chair

Voting: 3-2-2
3 SB0214.SC1.wpd bhowe/BRH RLR/BRH 2/20/01 7:04 am

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