This information updated at 16 March 2001, 9:01 AM. When the status of this bill changes, this page will be updated. While we make every effort to keep the information current and accurate, it may be updated at any time. S.B. 70 Redevelopment Agency Tax Increment from School Districts (Stephenson, H.) 01/25/01 Numbered LRGC 01/25/01 Bill Distributed LRGC 01/26/01 Senate/received from LRGC SSTRUL 01/26/01 Senate/read 1st (Introduced) SSTRUL 02/02/01 Senate received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst SSTRUL 02/05/01 Senate/to Standing Committee SSTHEE 02/06/01 Senate Comm - Tabled SSTHEE 3 2 0 02/08/01 Senate Comm - Not Lifted from Table SSTHEE 02/13/01 Senate Comm - Not Lifted from Table SSTHEE 02/14/01 Senate/comm rpt sent to Senate Secretary SSEC 02/15/01 Senate/lifted from Table S2ND 02/15/01 Senate/placed on 2nd S2ND 02/15/01 Senate/read 2nd S2ND 02/15/01 Senate/floor amendment S2ND 02/19/01 Senate/floor amendment S2ND 02/19/01 Senate/pass 2nd S3RD 18 7 4 02/20/01 Senate/read 3rd S3RD 02/20/01 Senate/pass 3rd HCLERK 21 6 2 02/20/01 Senate/to House with amendments HCLERK 02/20/01 House received from Senate HINTRO 02/20/01 House read 1st time (Introduced) HSTRUL 02/20/01 House sent to standing committee HSTPOL 02/21/01 House Comm - Amendment Recommendation HSTPOL 02/21/01 House Comm - Favorable Recommendation HSTPOL 8 0 3 02/22/01 House Comm Report Favorable/Amended H3RDSB 02/22/01 House read 2nd time H3RDSB 02/26/01 House read 3rd time H3RDSB 02/26/01 House Amended H3RDSB 02/26/01 House passed 3rd reading SSEC 63 10 2 02/26/01 House sent to Senate SSEC 02/26/01 Senate/placed on Concurrence Calendar SCURCAL 02/27/01 Senate/refuses to concur in House amend HCLERK 02/27/01 Senate/to House HCLERK 02/27/01 House received from Senate HCLERK 02/27/01 House refused to recede from amendments HCLERK 02/27/01 House Conference Comm Appointed CONCOM 02/27/01 Senate Conference Comm Appointed CONCOM 02/27/01 Senate/to House CONCOM 02/27/01 House received from Senate CONCOM 02/28/01 House substituted HSUB