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Friday, February 6, 2004

Members Present:        Sen. Gregory Bell, Chair
            Sen. Patrice M. Arent
                        Sen. James M. Evans
            Sen. David L. Gladwell
            Sen. Mike Dmitrich
            Sen. L. Alma Mansell
Members Excused:                Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard
            Sen. D. Chris Buttars
Staff Present:        Jami Momberger, Policy Analyst
            Katrina Yarrington, Committee Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Elwood Powell, Chairman, Utah Shooting Sports Council
            Fraser Nelson, Disability Law Center
            C.C. Horton, Assistant Attorney General             Mark Moffatt, Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
            Kent Hart, Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
                Jake Garn, former U.S. Senator
            George Mantes, Utah Board of Regents
            Sarah Oliphant, citizen
            Leonard Wojcik, Board of Directors, Utah Shooting Sports Council
            JoAnn Neilson, President, Utah PTA
            Marla Kennedy, Executive Director, Gun Violence Prevention Center
            Thomas Griffiths, General Counsel, Brigham Young University
            W. Clark Aposhian, National Rifle Association
            Lorna R. Brown, citizen
            Monica Whalen, President, The Employers Council
            Diane Bohman, citizen
            Carol Leer, State Board of Education
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Sen. Gladwell called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m.

     MOTION: Sen. Arent moved to approve the minutes of February 4, 2004.


    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Bell, Sen. Mansell, and Sen. Dmitrich absent for the vote.    

1.     S.B. 161 Judicial Conduct Commission (M. Waddoups)
    Sen. Waddoups introduced the bill.
     MOTION: Sen. Arent moved to pass S.B. 161 out with a favorable     recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Dmitrich, Sen. Mansell, and Sen. Bell absent for the vote.

2. S.B. 49 Competency to Be Executed (D. Gladwell)

    Sen. Gladwell introduced the bill assisted by C.C. Horton, Assistant Attorney General.

    The following people spoke in opposition of the bill:
    Fraser Nelson, Disability Law Center
    Mark Moffatt, Chairman, Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
    Kent Hart, Secretary, Utah Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

     MOTION: Sen. Arent moved to hold bill for one meeting.

     SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Sen. Evans moved to pass S.B. 49 out with a favorable recommendation.

    The substitute motion passed, with Sen. Arent voting in opposition and Sen. Mansell absent for the vote.

3. S.B. 48 Uniform Firearm Laws (M. Waddoups)
    Sen. Waddoups introduced the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Dmitrich moved to amend S.B. 48 as follows:

     1) Page 2, lines 52-53:    Deletes lines 52 and 53

    (2) Page 2, line 54:    Delete "(7)" and insert "(6)"

    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Mansell absent for the vote.

    The following people spoke in support of the bill:
    Sarah Oliphant, citizen
    Elwood Powell, Chairman, Utah Shooting Sports Council
    Leonard Wojcik, Board of Directors, Utah Shooting Sports Council
    W. Clark Aposhian, National Rifle Association
    Diane Bohman, citizen

    The following people spoke in opposition of the bill:
    George Mantes, State Board of Regents
    Jake Garn, former U.S. Senator
    JoAnn Neilson, President, Utah PTA
    Marla Kennedy, Executive Director, Gun Violence Prevention Center
    Carol Leer, State Board of Education
    Lorna Brown, citizen
    Monica Whalen, CEO, The Employers Council
    Thomas Griffiths, General Counsel, Brigham Young University
    MOTION: Sen. Evans moved to pass S.B. 48 out, as amended, with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed, with Sen. Arent voting in opposition.

     MOTION: Sen. Evans moved to adjourn.

    Committee Chair Bell adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m.

    Minutes recorded by Katrina Yarrington, Secretary

Sen. Gregory S. Bell, Committee Chair