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H.C.R. 3 Enrolled







Chief Sponsor: Bradley M. Daw

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      Cosponsors:
             9      Douglas C. Aagard
             10      Sheryl L. Allen
             11      Sylvia S. Andersen
             12      Roger E. Barrus
             13      Ralph Becker
             14      Ron Bigelow
             15      Jim Bird
             16      DeMar Bud Bowman
             17      Melvin R. Brown
             18      D. Gregg Buxton
             19      David Clark
             20      Stephen D. Clark
             21      Tim M. Cosgrove
             22      Greg J. Curtis
             23      Brad L. Dee
             24      Glenn A. Donnelson
             25      John Dougall
             26      Jack R. Draxler
             27      Carl W. Duckworth
             28      Janice M. Fisher
             29      Julie Fisher
             30      Lorie D. Fowlke
             31      Craig A. FrankGage Froerer
Kevin S. Garn
Kerry W. Gibson
James R. Gowans
Keith Grover
Neil A. Hansen
Wayne A. Harper
Lynn N. Hemingway
Neal B. Hendrickson
Christopher N. Herrod
Kory M. Holdaway
Gregory H. Hughes
Fred R. Hunsaker
Eric K. Hutchings
Christine A. Johnson
Brad King
Todd E. Kiser
Bradley G. Last
David Litvack
Rebecca D. Lockhart
Steven R. Mascaro
John G. Mathis
Rosalind J. McGee
Kay L. McIffRonda Rudd Menlove
Karen W. Morgan
Michael T. Morley
Carol Spackman Moss
Paul A. Neuenschwander
Merlynn T. Newbold
Michael E. Noel
Curtis Oda
Patrick Painter
Paul Ray
Phil Riesen
Stephen E. Sandstrom
Jennifer M. Seelig
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
Gordon E. Snow
Kenneth W. Sumsion
Aaron Tilton
Stephen H. Urquhart
Mark W. Walker
Mark A. Wheatley
Richard W. Wheeler
Larry B. Wiley
Carl Wimmer
Scott L Wyatt              32     
             33      LONG TITLE
             34      General Description:
             35          This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor urges the United States
             36      Congress to take action to help stop children and employees from accessing Internet

             37      pornography.
             38      Highlighted Provisions:
             39          This resolution:
             40          .    urges the United States Congress to take action to help stop children and employees
             41      from accessing Internet pornography; and
             42          .    urges the United States Congress to enact legislation to facilitate a technology-based
             43      solution allowing parents and employers to obtain Internet access services that
             44      exclude adult content.
             45      Special Clauses:
             46          None
             48      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
             49          WHEREAS, the Internet has become an extremely important and popular means of
             50      exchanging information, and is relied upon in Utah for business, education, recreation, and
             51      other uses;
             52          WHEREAS, many Internet sites contain material that is pornographic, either obscene or
             53      inappropriate for children, and a majority of these sites originate within the United States but
             54      outside of the state of Utah;
             55          WHEREAS, the availability of Internet pornography on the job costs Utah employers
             56      significant numbers of work hours, strains employers' computer equipment, reduces
             57      productivity, and leads to potentially hostile work environments for men and women;
             58          WHEREAS, while the custody, care, and nurturing of children resides primarily with
             59      parents, the widespread availability of Internet pornography and the ability of children to
             60      circumvent existing filtering technology defeat the best attempts at parental supervision or
             61      control;
             62          WHEREAS, Internet pornographers use evolving techniques to lure Utah children and
             63      others into viewing and purchasing pornographic material, defying existing technology
             64      designed to block adult content;

             65          WHEREAS, current methods for protecting computers and computer networks from
             66      unwanted Internet content are expensive, block more than the intended content, and are easily
             67      circumvented;
             68          WHEREAS, because children, employees, and others may seek out pornography,
             69      warnings and other labels meant to help avoid inadvertent hits on pornographic sites may
             70      simply increase the likelihood that these sites will be visited;
             71          WHEREAS, credit card verification systems burden credit card companies, are
             72      expensive and time consuming to establish and maintain, and inhibit legal speech;
             73          WHEREAS, other forms of age verification have not been practicable;
             74          WHEREAS, prior Congressional attempts to address children's access to Internet
             75      pornography have been held unconstitutional or otherwise have not passed constitutional
             76      scrutiny;
             77          WHEREAS, prior Congressional attempts to address children's access to Internet
             78      pornography have not been based on technology that allows individual Internet users to select
             79      what kind of Internet content enters their homes and work spaces;
             80          WHEREAS, protecting the physical and psychological well-being of Utah's children by
             81      shielding them from inappropriate materials is a compelling interest of the Legislature of the
             82      State of Utah;
             83          WHEREAS, protecting the right of Utah's citizens to control what materials enter their
             84      homes and other private property is a compelling interest of the Legislature of the State of
             85      Utah;
             86          WHEREAS, although the State of Utah has taken rigorous action in an attempt to shield
             87      Utah's children from obscenity and other inappropriate adult content, it cannot effectively curb
             88      the problems with Internet pornography within its borders without the support of the United
             89      States government;
             90          WHEREAS, the United States remains in control of the Internet through the
             91      Department of Commerce, and the National Telecommunication and Information Association;
             92      and

             93          WHEREAS, the United States has the ability to create appropriate policies and
             94      enforcement tools to effectively deal with these issues:
             95          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
             96      Governor concurring therein, strongly urges the United States Congress to take action to help
             97      stop children and employees from accessing Internet pornography.
             98          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor strongly urge the
             99      United States Congress to seriously consider enacting legislation to facilitate a
             100      technology-based solution that allows parents and employers to subscribe to Internet access
             101      services that exclude adult content.
             102          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority
             103      Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
             104      the President of the United States, and the members of Utah's congressional delegation.

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