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H.B. 438






Chief Sponsor: Michael E. Noel

Senate Sponsor: Dennis E. Stowell

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill repeals the Jail Reimbursement chapter of Title 64, State Institutions, and
             11      enacts a new chapter entitled, State Payment and Reimbursement to County
             12      Correctional Facilities.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    defines terms;
             16          .    permits the Department of Corrections to contract with a county to house state
             17      inmates, subject to legislative approval in most cases;
             18          .    establishes requirements and procedures for setting the rate for payment by the
             19      Department of Corrections to a county for a contract described in the preceding
             20      paragraph;
             21          .    requires a contracting county to provide an annual report to the Department of
             22      Corrections;
             23          .    requires a county to accept, or contract with another county to accept, state
             24      probationary inmates and state parole inmates into a county correctional facility;
             25          .    establishes requirements and procedures for setting the rate for reimbursement by
             26      the Department of Corrections to a county for housing the inmates described in the
             27      preceding paragraph;

             28          .    grants rulemaking authority to the Department of Corrections;
             29          .    requires a county that is reimbursed for housing state probationary or state parole
             30      inmates to provide an annual report to the Department of Corrections;
             31          .    establishes requirements and procedures for setting the state daily incarceration rate;
             32          .    requires the Department of Corrections to submit an annual report to the Law
             33      Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee of the Legislature relating to
             34      state inmates, state probationary inmates, and state parole inmates housed in county
             35      facilities, and the rates for payment or reimbursement to the counties for housing
             36      these inmates; and
             37          .    makes technical changes.
             38      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             39          None
             40      Other Special Clauses:
             41          None
             42      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             43      AMENDS:
             44          10-8-58, as last amended by Chapter 301, Laws of Utah 2004
             45          63-55b-164, as last amended by Chapter 86, Laws of Utah 2005
             46          76-3-201, as last amended by Chapter 208, Laws of Utah 2006
             47      ENACTS:
             48          64-13e-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49          64-13e-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50          64-13e-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             51          64-13e-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             52          64-13e-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             53          64-13e-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             54      REPEALS:
             55          64-13c-101, as last amended by Chapter 29, Laws of Utah 2006
             56          64-13c-201, as last amended by Chapter 270, Laws of Utah 2002
             57          64-13c-301, as last amended by Chapter 270, Laws of Utah 2002
             58          64-13c-302, as last amended by Chapter 270, Laws of Utah 2002

             59          64-13c-303, as last amended by Chapter 270, Laws of Utah 2002
             60          64-13c-304, as enacted by Chapter 287, Laws of Utah 1999
             61          64-13c-401, as enacted by Chapter 230, Laws of Utah 2001
             63      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             64          Section 1. Section 10-8-58 is amended to read:
             65           10-8-58. Jails and workhouses -- Establishment and maintenance.
             66          The governing body of a city or town may:
             67          (1) establish, erect, and maintain city jails, houses of correction, and workhouses for
             68      the temporary confinement, not to exceed 72 hours, of persons convicted of violating any city
             69      ordinances;
             70          (2) make rules for the government of them;
             71          (3) appoint necessary jailers and keepers; and
             72          (4) use the county correctional facilities, including the county jail, for the confinement
             73      or punishment of offenders on the following conditions:
             74          (a) a city or town may use the county correctional facilities without payment of [core]
             75      compensation or reimbursement for incarceration costs [as defined in Subsection
             76      64-13c-101 (1)] or costs associated with booking of offenders in county correctional facilities;
             77          (b) subject to any conditions that are imposed by law; and
             78          (c) with the consent of the county legislative body which may include, without
             79      limitation, the allocation or rationing of correctional facility capacity and prohibition of
             80      booking for classes of offenses or offenders. These limitations shall be applied equally to all
             81      entities using the county correctional facilities.
             82          (5) If consent is given for the use of the county correctional facilities, the sheriff, at the
             83      sheriff's discretion, may assign offenders to county correctional facilities or programs or
             84      transfer offenders between facilities or programs.
             85          (6) Nothing contained in this section shall:
             86          (a) preclude cities, towns, and counties from executing written agreements containing
             87      terms or conditions for the use of the county jail; or
             88          (b) invalidate any agreements entered into prior to July 1, 2004.
             89          Section 2. Section 63-55b-164 is amended to read:

             90           63-55b-164. Repeal dates -- Title 64.
             91          [Subsection 64-13c-303 (1) is repealed July 1, 2010.]
             92          Section 3. Section 64-13e-101 is enacted to read:


             95          64-13e-101. Title.
             96          This chapter is known as "State Payment and Reimbursement to County Correctional
             97      Facilities."
             98          Section 4. Section 64-13e-102 is enacted to read:
             99          64-13e-102. Definitions.
             100          As used in this chapter:
             101          (1) "Department" means the Department of Corrections.
             102          (2) "State daily incarceration rate" means the final state daily incarceration rate,
             103      reviewed and discussed under Subsection 64-13e-105 (2), and approved by the Legislature
             104      under Subsection 64-13e-105 (3), that reflects the expenses of the department, including:
             105          (a) executive overhead;
             106          (b) administrative overhead;
             107          (c) transportation overhead;
             108          (d) division overhead;
             109          (e) motor pool expenses;
             110          (f) medical expenses;
             111          (g) mental health expenses;
             112          (h) dental expenses; and
             113          (i) straight line capital depreciation, over a 40-year period, for prison facilities of the
             114      department.
             115          (3) "State inmate" means a person, other than a probationary inmate or state parole
             116      inmate, who is committed to the custody of the department.
             117          (4) "State parole inmate" means a person who is:
             118          (a) on parole, as defined in Section 77-27-1 ; and
             119          (b) housed in a county jail for a reason related to the person's parole.
             120          (5) "State probationary inmate" means felony probationers sentenced to county jail

             121      under Subsection 77-18-1 (8).
             122          Section 5. Section 64-13e-103 is enacted to read:
             123          64-13e-103. Contracts for housing state inmates.
             124          (1) Subject to Subsection (6), the department may contract with a county to house state
             125      inmates in a county or other correctional facility.
             126          (2) The department shall give preference for placement of state inmates, over private
             127      entities, to county correctional facility bed spaces for which the department has contracted
             128      under Subsection (1).
             129          (3) The compensation rate for housing state inmates pursuant to a contract described in
             130      Subsection (1) shall be 70% of the state daily incarceration rate.
             131          (4) Compensation to a county for state inmates incarcerated under this section shall be
             132      made by the department.
             133          (5) Counties that contract with the department under Subsection (1) shall, on or before
             134      June 30 of each year, submit a report to the department that includes:
             135          (a) the number of state inmates the county housed under this section; and
             136          (b) the total number of state inmate days of incarceration that were provided by the
             137      county.
             138          (6) Except as provided under Subsection (7), the department may not enter into a
             139      contract described under Subsection (1), unless the Legislature has previously passed a joint
             140      resolution that includes the following information regarding the proposed contract:
             141          (a) the approximate number of beds to be contracted;
             142          (b) the state daily incarceration rate;
             143          (c) the approximate amount of the county's long-term debt; and
             144          (d) the repayment time of the debt for the facility where the inmates are to be housed.
             145          (7) The department may enter into a contract with a county government to house
             146      inmates without complying with the approval process described in Subsection (6) only if the
             147      county facility was under construction, or already in existence, on March 16, 2001.
             148          (8) Any resolution passed by the Legislature under Subsection (6) does not bind or
             149      obligate the Legislature or the department regarding the proposed contract.
             150          Section 6. Section 64-13e-104 is enacted to read:
             151          64-13e-104. Housing of state probationary inmates or state parole inmates --

             152      Reimbursement.
             153          (1) (a) A county shall accept and house a state probationary inmate or a state parole
             154      inmate in a county correctional facility, subject to available resources.
             155          (b) If a county is unable to accept a person due to lack of resources, the county shall
             156      negotiate with another county to accept and house the person.
             157          (2) Within funds appropriated by the Legislature for this purpose, the department shall
             158      reimburse a county that houses a state probationary inmate or a state parole inmate at a rate of
             159      50% of the state daily incarceration rate.
             160          (3) Funds appropriated by the Legislature under Subsection (2):
             161          (a) are nonlapsing;
             162          (b) may only be used for the purposes described in Subsection (2); and
             163          (c) may not be used for:
             164          (i) the costs of administering the reimbursement described in this section; or
             165          (ii) payment of contract costs under Section 64-13e-103 .
             166          (4) The costs described in Subsection (3)(c)(i) shall be covered by legislative
             167      appropriation.
             168          (5) (a) The director of the department shall administer the reimbursement described in
             169      this section.
             170          (b) The department shall by rule establish procedures for the distribution of
             171      reimbursement described in this section.
             172          (6) Counties that receive the reimbursement described in this section shall, on or before
             173      June 30 of each year, submit a report to the department that includes:
             174          (a) the number of state probationary inmates and state parole inmates the county
             175      housed under this section; and
             176          (b) the total number of state probationary inmate days of incarceration and state parole
             177      inmate days of incarceration that were provided by the county.
             178          Section 7. Section 64-13e-105 is enacted to read:
             179          64-13e-105. Procedures for setting the state daily incarceration rate.
             180          (1) (a) Before December 1 of each year, the department shall inform the counties of the
             181      department's proposed state daily incarceration rate for the fiscal year beginning on July 1 of
             182      the following year.

             183          (b) The state daily incarceration rate described in Subsection (1)(a) may not be less
             184      than the state daily incarceration rate presented to the Executive Appropriations Committee of
             185      the Legislature for purposes of setting the appropriation for the department's budget.
             186          (2) Before January 1 of each year, the following parties shall meet to review and
             187      discuss the proposed state daily incarceration rate, described in Subsection (1):
             188          (a) as designated by the Utah Sheriffs Association:
             189          (i) one sheriff of a county that is currently under contract with the department to house
             190      state inmates; and
             191          (ii) one sheriff of a county that is currently receiving reimbursement from the
             192      department for housing state probationary inmates or state parole inmates;
             193          (b) the executive director of the department or the executive director's designee;
             194          (c) as designated by the Utah Association of Counties:
             195          (i) one member of the legislative body of one county that is currently under contract
             196      with the department to house state inmates; and
             197          (ii) one member of the legislative body of one county that is currently receiving
             198      reimbursement from the department for housing state probationary inmates or state parole
             199      inmates;
             200          (d) the executive director of the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice or the
             201      executive director's designee; and
             202          (e) the director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget or the director's
             203      designee.
             204          (3) The state daily incarceration rate, reviewed and discussed under Subsection (2),
             205      may not be implemented until approved by the Legislature in the annual appropriations act.
             206          Section 8. Section 64-13e-106 is enacted to read:
             207          64-13e-106. Report to Legislature.
             208          On or before September 1 of each year, the department shall provide to the Law
             209      Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee of the Legislature a report regarding
             210      housing of state inmates, state parole inmates, and state probationary inmates under this
             211      chapter, including:
             212          (1) the state daily incarceration rate established under this chapter;
             213          (2) the rates described in Subsections 64-13e-103 (3) and 64-13e-104 (2);

             214          (3) participating counties;
             215          (4) the number of state inmates housed by each county;
             216          (5) the number of state parole inmates housed by each county; and
             217          (6) the number of state probationary inmates housed by each county.
             218          Section 9. Section 76-3-201 is amended to read:
             219           76-3-201. Definitions -- Sentences or combination of sentences allowed -- Civil
             220      penalties -- Hearing.
             221          (1) As used in this section:
             222          (a) "Conviction" includes a:
             223          (i) judgment of guilt; and
             224          (ii) plea of guilty.
             225          (b) "Criminal activities" means any offense of which the defendant is convicted or any
             226      other criminal conduct for which the defendant admits responsibility to the sentencing court
             227      with or without an admission of committing the criminal conduct.
             228          (c) "Pecuniary damages" means all special damages, but not general damages, which a
             229      person could recover against the defendant in a civil action arising out of the facts or events
             230      constituting the defendant's criminal activities and includes the money equivalent of property
             231      taken, destroyed, broken, or otherwise harmed, and losses including earnings and medical
             232      expenses.
             233          (d) "Restitution" means full, partial, or nominal payment for pecuniary damages to a
             234      victim, and payment for expenses to a governmental entity for extradition or transportation and
             235      as further defined in Title 77, Chapter 38a, Crime Victims Restitution Act.
             236          (e) (i) "Victim" means any person who the court determines has suffered pecuniary
             237      damages as a result of the defendant's criminal activities.
             238          (ii) "Victim" does not include any coparticipant in the defendant's criminal activities.
             239          (2) Within the limits prescribed by this chapter, a court may sentence a person
             240      convicted of an offense to any one of the following sentences or combination of them:
             241          (a) to pay a fine;
             242          (b) to removal or disqualification from public or private office;
             243          (c) to probation unless otherwise specifically provided by law;
             244          (d) to imprisonment;

             245          (e) on or after April 27, 1992, to life in prison without parole; or
             246          (f) to death.
             247          (3) (a) This chapter does not deprive a court of authority conferred by law to:
             248          (i) forfeit property;
             249          (ii) dissolve a corporation;
             250          (iii) suspend or cancel a license;
             251          (iv) permit removal of a person from office;
             252          (v) cite for contempt; or
             253          (vi) impose any other civil penalty.
             254          (b) A civil penalty may be included in a sentence.
             255          (4) (a) When a person is convicted of criminal activity that has resulted in pecuniary
             256      damages, in addition to any other sentence it may impose, the court shall order that the
             257      defendant make restitution to the victims, or for conduct for which the defendant has agreed to
             258      make restitution as part of a plea agreement.
             259          (b) In determining whether restitution is appropriate, the court shall follow the criteria
             260      and procedures as provided in Title 77, Chapter 38a, Crime Victims Restitution Act.
             261          (5) (a) In addition to any other sentence the court may impose, the court shall order the
             262      defendant to pay restitution of governmental transportation expenses if the defendant was:
             263          (i) transported pursuant to court order from one county to another within the state at
             264      governmental expense to resolve pending criminal charges;
             265          (ii) charged with a felony or a class A, B, or C misdemeanor; and
             266          (iii) convicted of a crime.
             267          (b) The court may not order the defendant to pay restitution of governmental
             268      transportation expenses if any of the following apply:
             269          (i) the defendant is charged with an infraction or on a subsequent failure to appear a
             270      warrant is issued for an infraction; or
             271          (ii) the defendant was not transported pursuant to a court order.
             272          (c) (i) Restitution of governmental transportation expenses under Subsection (5)(a)(i)
             273      shall be calculated according to the following schedule:
             274          (A) $75 for up to 100 miles a defendant is transported;
             275          (B) $125 for 100 up to 200 miles a defendant is transported; and

             276          (C) $250 for 200 miles or more a defendant is transported.
             277          (ii) The schedule of restitution under Subsection (5)(c)(i) applies to each defendant
             278      transported regardless of the number of defendants actually transported in a single trip.
             279          (d) If a defendant has been extradited to this state under Title 77, Chapter 30,
             280      Extradition, to resolve pending criminal charges and is convicted of criminal activity in the
             281      county to which he has been returned, the court may, in addition to any other sentence it may
             282      impose, order that the defendant make restitution for costs expended by any governmental
             283      entity for the extradition.
             284          (6) (a) In addition to any other sentence the court may impose, the court shall order the
             285      defendant to pay court-ordered restitution to the county for the cost of incarceration in the
             286      county correctional facility before and after sentencing if:
             287          (i) the defendant is convicted of criminal activity that results in incarceration in the
             288      county correctional facility; and
             289          (ii) (A) the defendant is not a state prisoner housed in a county correctional facility
             290      through a contract with the Department of Corrections; or
             291          (B) the reimbursement does not duplicate the reimbursement provided under Section
             292      [ 64-13c-301 ] 64-13e-104 if the defendant is a state [prisoner housed in a county correctional
             293      facility as a condition of probation under Subsection 77-18-1 (8)] probationary inmate, as
             294      defined in Section 64-13e-102 , or a state parole inmate, as defined in Section 64-13e-102 .
             295          (b) (i) The costs of incarceration under Subsection (6)(a) are[: (A)] the daily [core]
             296      inmate incarceration costs and medical and transportation costs [established under Section
             297      64-13c-302 ; and] for the county correctional facility.
             298          [(B) the costs of transportation services and medical care that exceed the negotiated
             299      reimbursement rate established under Subsection 64-13c-302 (2).]
             300          (ii) The costs of incarceration under Subsection (6)(a) do not include expenses incurred
             301      by the county correctional facility in providing reasonable accommodation for an inmate
             302      qualifying as an individual with a disability as defined and covered by the federal Americans
             303      with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 12101 through 12213, including medical and mental
             304      health treatment for the inmate's disability.
             305          (c) In determining the monetary sum and other conditions for the court-ordered
             306      restitution under this Subsection (6), the court shall consider the criteria provided under

             307      Subsections 77-38a-302 (5)(c)(i) through (iv).
             308          (d) If on appeal the defendant is found not guilty of the criminal activity under
             309      Subsection (6)(a)(i) and that finding is final as defined in Section 76-1-304 , the county shall
             310      reimburse the defendant for restitution the defendant paid for costs of incarceration under
             311      Subsection (6)(a).
             312          (7) (a) If a statute under which the defendant was convicted mandates that one of three
             313      stated minimum terms shall be imposed, the court shall order imposition of the term of middle
             314      severity unless there are circumstances in aggravation or mitigation of the crime, except as
             315      provided in Subsection (8).
             316          (b) Prior to or at the time of sentencing, either party may submit a statement identifying
             317      circumstances in aggravation or mitigation or presenting additional facts. If the statement is in
             318      writing, it shall be filed with the court and served on the opposing party at least four days prior
             319      to the time set for sentencing.
             320          (c) In determining whether there are circumstances that justify imposition of the
             321      highest or lowest term, the court may consider the record in the case, the probation officer's
             322      report, other reports, including reports received under Section 76-3-404 , statements in
             323      aggravation or mitigation submitted by the prosecution or the defendant, and any further
             324      evidence introduced at the sentencing hearing.
             325          (d) The court shall set forth on the record the facts supporting and reasons for imposing
             326      the upper or lower term.
             327          (e) In determining a just sentence, the court shall consider sentencing guidelines
             328      regarding aggravating and mitigating circumstances promulgated by the Sentencing
             329      Commission.
             330          (8) (a) The defendant shall be sentenced to the highest minimum term in prison if the
             331      trier of fact finds that:
             332          (i) during the commission of any of the following offenses the defendant causes
             333      substantial bodily injury to the child:
             334          (A) Section 76-5-301.1 , child kidnapping;
             335          (B) Section 76-5-402.1 , rape of a child;
             336          (C) Section 76-5-402.3 , object rape of a child; or
             337          (D) Section 76-5-403.1 , sodomy on a child; or

             338          (ii) at the time of the commission of any of the offenses in Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A)
             339      through (D), the defendant had been previously convicted of:
             340          (A) Section 76-5-402 , rape;
             341          (B) Section 76-5-402.1 , rape of a child;
             342          (C) Section 76-5-402.2 , object rape;
             343          (D) Section 76-5-402.3 , object rape of a child;
             344          (E) Subsection 76-5-403 (2), forcible sodomy;
             345          (F) Section 76-5-403.1 , sodomy on a child;
             346          (G) Section 76-5-404 , forcible sexual abuse;
             347          (H) Section 76-5-404.1 , sexual abuse of a child and aggravated sexual abuse of a child;
             348          (I) Section 76-5-405 , aggravated sexual assault;
             349          (J) any offense in any other state or federal jurisdiction which constitutes or would
             350      constitute a crime in Subsections (8)(a)(ii)(A) through (I); or
             351          (K) the attempt to commit any of the offenses in Subsections (8)(a)(ii)(A) through (J).
             352          (b) This Subsection (8) takes precedence over any conflicting provision of law.
             353          Section 10. Repealer.
             354          This bill repeals:
             355          Section 64-13c-101, Definitions.
             356          Section 64-13c-201, County housing of state prisoners.
             357          Section 64-13c-301, Reimbursement program created -- Funding -- Purposes.
             358          Section 64-13c-302, Procedures for setting county reimbursement for core inmate
             359      incarceration costs, and medical and transportation costs.
             360          Section 64-13c-303, Payment of reimbursement.
             361          Section 64-13c-304, Report to Legislature.
             362          Section 64-13c-401, Legislative approval of contracting.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-6-07 8:19 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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