H.B. 148

house floor Amendments

Amendment 2 February 1, 2007 2:05 pm

Representative Kory M. Holdaway proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 4, Lines 96 through 103
    House Committee Amendments
    1-31-2007 :

             96          (c)
{   the student shall meet one or more of the following criteria:

             97          (i) the student was born after September 1, 2001;
             98          (ii) the student was enrolled as a full-time student in a Utah public school on January 1,
             99      2007;
             100          (iii) the individual was not a Utah resident on January 1, 2007; or
             101          (iv)  
the student's parents
{   had   }        shall have       an annual income less than or equal to 100% of the

             102      income eligibility guideline in the calendar year immediately preceding the school year for
             103      which a scholarship is sought; and

2.    Page 8, Lines 215 through 216 :    

             215          (C) the board shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Legislature to make
             216      full scholarship payments as provided in Subsection (4)
{   or (5)   } .

3.    Page 9, Lines 251 through 275 :    

{   (4) Full-year scholarships shall be awarded in the amounts shown in the following

             252      table, or for the amount of tuition for a full year, whichever is less.
             253      If the annual income of a scholarship
             254      student's parents is:                    The full-year scholarship amount is:
             255      Less than or equal to 100% of the
             256          income eligibility guideline                    $3,000
             257      Greater than 100% but less than or equal
             258           to 125% of the income eligibility guideline            $2,750
             259      Greater than 125% but less than or equal to
             260          150% of the income eligibility guideline            $2,500
             261      Greater than 150% but less than or equal to
             262          175% of the income eligibility guideline            $2,250
             263      Greater than 175% but less than or equal to
             264          200% of the income eligibility guideline            $2,000

             265      Greater than 200% but less than or equal to
             266          225% of the income eligibility guideline            $1,750
             267      Greater than 225% but less than or equal to
             268          250% of the income eligibility guideline            $1,000
             269      Greater than 250% of the income eligibility guideline        $500
             270          (5) The full-year scholarship amounts shown in the table in Subsection (4) apply to
             271      scholarships for all grades except kindergarten. The full-year scholarship amount for
             272      kindergarten shall be .55 times the amounts shown in the table in Subsection (4).  

    (4) Full-year scholarships shall be awarded in the amount of $3,000 for students in all grades except kindergarten. A full-year scholarship for a kindergarten student shall be $1,650.  

{   (6)   }        (5)       The board shall annually increase the full-year scholarship amounts      {   shown   }        specified       in      {   the

             274      table in  
Subsection (4) by the same percentage annual increase in the value of the weighted
             275      pupil unit established in Section 53A-17a-103 .

4.    Page 10, Line 276 :    

{   (7)   }        (6)       (a) Except as provided in Subsection      {   (7)   }        (6)       (b), upon review and receipt of

5.    Page 10, Line 284 :    

{   (8)   }        (7)       A parent of a scholarship student and the student's private school shall notify the

6.    Page 10, Line 286 :    

{   (9)   }        (8)       Before scholarship payments are made, the board shall cross-check enrollment lists

7.    Page 10, Line 289 :    

{   (10)   }        (9)       (a) Scholarship payments shall be made by the board by individual warrant made

8.    Page 10, Line 294 :    

             294      parent to sign a warrant referred to in Subsection
{   (10)   }        (9)       (a), and a parent of a scholarship student

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