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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2009, 2:00 P.M.


Members Present:        Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair
                Sen. John Greiner
                Sen. Scott K. Jenkins
                Sen. Dan Liljenquist
                Sen. Scott D. McCoy
                Sen. Luz Robles

Members Absent:        Sen. Greg Bell    

Staff Present:             Rich North, Policy Analyst
                 Jean Butler, Committee Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Clinton Topham, Pres., American Assoc. of Engineering .
                Robert Scow, Pleasant Grove
                Linda Hull, Utah Department of Transportation

     Approval of Minutes:

Sen. Jenkins moved that the Minutes of February 5, 2009, be approved.

    The motion passed 5 - 0 - 2 with Sens. McCoy and Robles absent from the vote.

1.     SB0124 Indemnification for Design Professional Services (G. Bell)

     MOTION: Sen. Bell moved that SB0124 be deleted in title and body and replaced with     SB0124 2nd Substitute..

    The motion carried with a vote of 5 - 0 - 2. Sens. McCoy and Robles were absent.

    Sen. Bell introduced the 2nd Substitute.

    Clinton Topham, American Association of Engineering Companies, spoke for the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved that SB0124 2nd Substitute be passed out          favorably.

    The motion passed 5 - 0 - 2 with Sens. McCoy and Robles absent.

2.     SB0060 Districts Providing Service to Taxed Properties (M. Waddoups)

    Sen. Waddoups asked the bill be held.

    MOTION: Sen. Jenkins moved SB0060 be held.

    The motion was passed 5 - 0 - 2 with Sens. McCoy and Robles absent from the vote.

3.     SB0073 Unincorporated Areas Amendments (K. Mayne)

    Sen. Mayne requested her bill not be heard today.

4.     SB0164 In person Voter Registration (S. McCoy)

    Sen. McCoy presented the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Robles moved the bill be passed out favorably.

    The motion passed 7 - 0 - 0.

5.     SB0064 Administrative Rules Review Committee (H. Stephenson)

    Sen. Stephenson presented the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Greiner moved the bill be passed out favorably.

    The motion passed 7 - 0 - 0.

6.     HB0257 Political Subdivision Clerk Amendments (M. Newbold)

    Rep. Newbold presented the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved the bill be passed out favorably.

    The motion passed with a vote of 7 - 0 - 0.

     MOTION: Sen McCoy moved the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar.

    The motion passed with a vote of 7 - 0 - 0.

6.     SB0083 Condemnation Amendments (D. Stowell)

     MOTION: Sen. Robles moved SB0083 be replaced with 2nd Substitute SB0083.

    The motion passed with a 7 - 0 - 0 vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Robles moved the adoption of amendment No. 1 under Sen. Stowell's

    1. Page 2, Line 45:    After "domain action but with" delete "the expectation that the condemnor would" and insert "formal action having been taken by the condemnor indicting an intent to"

    The motion passed with a 7 - 0 - 0 vote.
    Sen. Stowell presented 2nd Sub. SB0083 as amended.

Robert Scow, Farmer from Pleasant Grove, spoke for the bill.

Linda Hull, Utah Department of Transportation spoke for the bill.

MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to place the bill on Hold until all questions are answered
and to move to the next item on the agenda.

The motion passed 6 - 0 - 1 with Sen. Bell absent from the vote.

HB0258 Amendments to Notice Provisions for Subdivision Changes (K Powell)

Rep. Powell was not available. Sen. Liljenquist presented the bill.

MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved the bill be passed out favorably.

The motion passed 5 - 0 - 2 with Sens. Bell and Jenkins absent for the vote.

MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar.

The motion passed 5 - 0 - 2 with Sens. Bell and Jenkins absent for the vote.

MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved the meeting be adjourned.

The motion passed 5 - 0 - 2 with Sens. Bell and Jenkins absent for the vote.

Chair Knudson adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.

The minutes were reported by Jean Butler, Committee Secretary.

                Senator Peter Knudson, Committee Chair