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TUESDAY, MARCH 3rd, 2009, 4:00 P.M.
Room 215, Senate Building, State Capitol Complex

Members Present:        Sen. Ralph Okerlund
            Sen. Karen Morgan
            Sen. Mark Madsen, Committee Chair
            Sen. Sheldon Killpack
            Sen. Patricia Jones

Members Excused:    Sen. Michael Waddoups

Staff Present:        Art Hunsaker, Policy Analyst
            Nicholle Heidrich, Committee Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Kathy VanDamn, Wasatch Clean Air Coalition
            Stan Rasmussen, Sutherland Institute
            Mike Petersen, Utah's Rural Cooperative
            Lee Peacock, Utah's Petroleum Association
            Jeff Hartley, Director REDF

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Madsen called the meeting to order at 4:55 p.m.

    MOTION: Sen. Killpack moved to approve minutes of the March 2nd , 2009, meeting.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Waddoups absent at the time of the vote.

1.     SB0271 Judicial Conduct Commission Amendments
Sen. Davis introduced and explained SB0271.

    MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to pass SB0271 with a first substitute..
    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Killpack, Waddoups and Morgan absent at the time of the vote.

    MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to pass SB0271 with 1st Substitute out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Killpack, Waddoups and Morgan absent at the time of the vote.

    MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to place SB0271 with 1st Substitute on the consent calendar.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Killpack, Waddoups and Morgan absent at the time of the vote.

2.     HB0283S01 Illegal Use of Motor Vechicles

Rep. Noel introduced and explained HB0283S01.

1.    Page 5, Lines 145 through 146
    House Floor Amendments
    2-25-2009 :

             145          (ii) require the person to pay restitution
{   not to exceed $500   } for any damage caused by

             146      the unlawful motor vehicle travel; and

2.    Page 6, Lines 173 through 174 :    

             173          (b) require the person to pay restitution
{   not to exceed $500   } for damage caused by the

             174      unlawful motor vehicle use; and

3.    Page 6, Lines 179 through 180 :    

             179          (a) impose a fine not to exceed
{   $500   }        $1,000       ;

             180          (b) require the person to pay restitution
{   not to exceed $1,000   } for damage caused by the

    MOTION: Sen. Okerlund moved amend HB0283S01.

1.    Page 5, Lines 145 through 146
    House Floor Amendments
    2-25-2009 :

             145          (ii) require the person to pay restitution
{   not to exceed $500   } for any damage caused by

             146      the unlawful motor vehicle travel; and

2.    Page 6, Lines 173 through 174 :    

             173          (b) require the person to pay restitution
{   not to exceed $500   } for damage caused by the

             174      unlawful motor vehicle use; and

3.    Page 6, Lines 179 through 180 :    

             179          (a) impose a fine not to exceed
{   $500   }        $1,000       ;

             180          (b) require the person to pay restitution
{   not to exceed $1,000   } for damage caused by the


    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Killpack and Waddoups absent at the time of the vote.

    MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to pass HB0283S01 amendment 3 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Killpack and Waddoups.

3.     HB0412 Energy Policy Amendments

Rep. Barrus introduced and explained HB0412.

    Kathy VanDamn spoke against HB0412.

    Stan Rasmussen, Mike Petersen, Lee Peacock and Jeff Hartley spoke in favor of HB0412.

    MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to amend HB0412 as follows: on page 3 line 175 "after long dash term" insert "wholesale".

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Killpack and Waddoups absent at the time of the vote.

    MOTION: Sen. Killpack moved to pass HB0412 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed with Sens. Morgan and Jones voting nay.

4.     HCR007 Concurrent Resolution Expressing Opposition to the Congressional Enactment of the National Landscape Conservation System

    Rep. Brown introduced and explained HCR007.

    Lee Peacock spoke in favor of HCR007.

    MOTION: Sen. Okerlund moved to pass HCR007 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

     MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to adjourn meeting.

    The motion passed unanimously.

    Chair Madsen adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.

    Minutes were reported by Nicholle Heidrich, Secretary.


Sen. Mark Madsen, Committee Chair