TO:                   Members of the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Standing Committee


FROM:             Rep. Douglas C. Aagard, Chair

                          Rep. Curtis Oda, Vice Chair


RE:                    Committee Meeting


                                       DATE:             Thursday, February 25, 2010

                                       TIME:              8:00 AM

                                       PLACE:           25 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex



- Call to order and approval of minutes - Representative Curtis Oda, Vice Chair


- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:


1.    HB0296            Choice of Law in Utah Courts (C. Wimmer)



2.    HB0337            Uniform Driver License Act Amendments (R. Lockhart)



3.    HCR015           Resolution to the Secretary of Transportation on Revocation of Driver Licenses (R. Lockhart)



4.    HB0312            Medical Expenses for Offenders (P. Ray)



5.    HB0380            Firearm Laws Amendments (S. Sandstrom)



6.    SB0142             Driver License Amendments (H. Stephenson)





Rep. Douglas C. Aagard, Chair

Rep. Curtis Oda, Vice Chair


Rep. Trisha S. Beck

Rep. Ben C. Ferry

Rep. Richard A. Greenwood

Rep. David Litvack

Rep. Rebecca D. Lockhart

Rep. Paul Ray

Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig

Rep. Larry B. Wiley

Rep. Carl Wimmer

Committee Analyst: Stewart E. Smith, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Secretary: Linda Error