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H.B. 51
7 Cosponsors:
8 Laura BlackNeil A. Hansen
Steven R. MascaroChristine F. Watkins 9
11 Committee Note:
12 The Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Interim
13 Committee recommended this bill.
14 General Description:
15 This bill modifies provisions of the Family Employment Program regarding the
16 requirements for a single minor parent to receive cash assistance under the program.
17 Highlighted Provisions:
18 This bill:
19 . modifies the cash assistance to the single minor parent provision of the Family
20 Employment Program by bringing it into compliance with federal law as to
21 employment and education or training requirements.
22 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
23 None
24 Other Special Clauses:
25 None
26 Utah Code Sections Affected:
28 35A-3-307, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
30 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31 Section 1. Section 35A-3-307 is amended to read:
32 35A-3-307. Cash assistance to a single minor parent.
33 (1) The division may provide cash assistance to a single minor parent in accordance
34 with this section.
35 (2) A single minor parent who receives cash assistance under this part shall:
36 (a) reside in a place of residence maintained by a parent, legal guardian, or other adult
37 relative of the single minor parent, except as provided in Subsection (3);
38 (b) participate in education for parenting and life skills;
39 (c) participate in infant and child wellness programs operated by the Department of
40 Health; and
41 (d) for not less than 20 hours per week:
42 (i) attend high school or an alternative to high school, if the single minor parent does
43 not have a high school diploma;
44 (ii) participate in education or training; or
45 [
46 [
47 (3) (a) If the division determines that the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) are not
48 appropriate for a single minor parent, the division may assist the single minor parent to obtain
49 suitable living arrangements, including an adult-supervised living arrangement.
50 (b) As a condition of receiving cash assistance, a single minor parent who is exempt
51 from the requirements of Subsection (2)(a) shall reside in a living arrangement that is approved
52 by the division.
53 (c) The approval by the division of a living arrangement under Subsection (3)(b):
54 (i) is a means of safeguarding the use of state and federal funds; and
55 (ii) is not a certification or guarantee of the safety, quality, or condition of the living
56 arrangements of the single minor parent.
57 (4) (a) If a single minor parent resides with a parent, the division shall include the
58 income of the parent of the single minor parent in determining the single minor parent's
59 eligibility for services and supports under this part.
60 (b) If a single minor parent receives services and supports under this chapter but does
61 not reside with a parent, the division shall seek an order under Title 78B, Chapter 12, Utah
62 Child Support Act, requiring the parent of the single minor parent to financially support the
63 single minor parent.
64 (5) The requirements of this section shall be included in a single minor parent's
65 employment plan under Section 35A-3-304 .
Legislative Review Note
as of 10-21-09 4:25 PM