H.B. 146

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 March 10, 2010 2:46 PM

Senator Mark B. Madsen proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 21
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

             21      based on Utah law H.
  by federal agencies, as defined in this bill,       , except as authorized by      {   this bill   }        agreement with the appropriate state or local law enforcement agency       .H ;

2.    Page 1, Line 24a
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

             24a      agency
  , as defined in this bill,       may not be for

3.    Page 2, Line 54
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

             54          (4) federal officers.
{   , as limited by Sections 53-13-106 and 53-13-106.5   }

4.    Page 3, Lines 67 through 71 :    

             67          (b)
  (i)            {   Notwithstanding Subsection (2), federal   }        Federal       officers listed in Subsection (1)(a) have

{   [   } statewide      {   ]   } law enforcement authority relating to felony offenses under the laws of this state

{   only as established by agreement under Section 53-13-106.5   } .        This Subsection (1)(b)(i) takes precedence over Subsection (2).      

  (ii) Federal agencies and federal employees as defined in Subsection 53-13-106.5(1) may exercise law enforcement authority related to felony offenses under Utah law only as established by an agreement under Subsection 53-13-106.5(7). This Subsection (1)(b)(ii) takes precedence over Subsection (2).      

             70          (c) The council may designate other federal peace officers, as necessary
{   , and as limited

             71      by Section 53-13-106.5  
, if the officers:

5.    Page 5, Lines 122 through 123
    House Floor Amendments

    3-3-2010 :

             122      Utah Administrative Rules, or county or municipal ordinances as a basis to arrest
{   ,   }        or       cite      {   , or

             123      prosecute  
  for prosecution       in the federal criminal justice system, unless the action:

6.    Page 5, Lines 125 through 131
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

             125          (b) is consistent with the Constitution of the United States.
{       (6) (a) Utah and its political subdivisions may choose to not comply with or implement

             127      federal mandates which purport to require that state and local law enforcement agencies
             128      enforce unconstitutional federal laws and related regulations, except as specifically provided in
             129      Utah law and under Subsection (6)(b).
             130          (b) This Subsection (6) does not prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies
             131      from entering into contracts with the Secretary of Interior pursuant to 43 U.S.C. 1733(c)(1).  

7.    Page 5, Lines 132 through 134
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

{   (7)   }        (6)       State and local government agencies may not allow any federal agency access to or

             133      use of the
  correctional and communication       facilities and equipment of any state or local law enforcement agency without the

             134      express written consent of the
{   head   }        appropriate responsible official       of the state or local law enforcement agency.

8.    Page 5, Line 135
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

{   (8)   }        (7)       State and local law enforcement agencies may      {   not   } enter into agreements with

9.    Page 5, Lines 137 through 138
    House Floor Amendments
    3-3-2010 :

     unless   }
  provided       the agreements are limited to a term not to exceed H. [one year] two years .H .

{   (9)   }        (8)       (a) County sheriffs shall regularly review the duties and activities of federal

10.    Page 5, Line 143
    House Floor Amendments

    3-3-2010 :

             143      their jurisdiction the results of all reviews conducted under this Subsection
{   (9)   }        (8)       .

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