TO:                 Business, Economic Development & Labor

                        Joint Appropriations Subcommittee

FROM:           Sen. Jerry Stevenson, Chair

                        Rep. Todd Kiser, Chair

                        Rep. Julie Fisher, Co-Chair

RE:                 Appropriations Subcommittee Meeting

                                    DATE:            Friday, January 28, 2011

                                    TIME:             8:00 A.M. - 9:50 A.M.

                                    PLACE:          210 Senate Building, Capitol Complex


1.         Minutes

2.         8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. Agency Alternatives to Menu Options for Budget Adjustments

                        Department of Commerce

                        Department of Insurance

                        Labor Commission

                        Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

3.         8:50 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Prioritization of Base Budget Alternatives

4.         Other Committee Business 


Sen. Jerry Stevenson, Chair     Sen. Ralph Okerlund                         Rep. Jim Dunnigan

Rep. Todd Kiser, Chair           Sen. Stuart Reid                                 Rep. Greg Hughes

Rep. Julie Fisher, Co-chair      Sen. Dennis Stowell                          Rep. Brian King

Sen. Curtis Bramble                Sen. Steve Urquhart                          Rep. Jeremy Peterson

Sen. Gene Davis                      Rep. Jackie Biskupski                       Rep. Val Peterson                                    Rep. Ryan D.Wilcox


Chief Economist: Dr. Andrea Wilko              Economist: Dr. Thomas Young

Fiscal Analyst: Patrick Lee                         Secretary: Rosemary Young

 /lfa/reports/cobi2011/sctte_13.htm for background information on this subcommittee and the agencies and programs it oversees, including budget histories. For analysis of current budget requests and discussion of issues related to budgets covered by this subcommittee visit /asp/lfa/lfareports.asp?com=APPBEL